Matthew 24:14   " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come. "



The lie there are no absolutes, and everything is relative and just depends on your point of view. Myth there is no objective truth, but it is all subjective.


This is a very difficult subject to deal with, but will try my best to reduce this matter to the simple basics. The way the myth goes is something basically like " the perception is the reality. " I recall a former well known politician here in Canada - Bill Davis, who used to say regularly that " in politics the perception is the reality. " Many of our educators teach to impressionable youths in the school system here in Canada - that if a certain person has a certain perception then this is the reality to them. 


Now if we are dealing merely with feelings and attitudes then there is some merit to this idea. Take fears for example. Let us say we have two children and they encounter a large dog approaching them wagging its tail. One's perception of the situation with the dog may be that of fear and terror, since when they were smaller they were mauled by a large vicious dog, and have had little experience with dogs. The fear they feel is genuine, but the specific dog may be just friendly and the fear they have towards this dog is unrealistic, since this particular dog just wants to say hello and be petted. However, the fear they feel is to them real.


The other child reacts differently, since they have grown up with dogs and have had mostly pleasant experiences with them. They are more familiar with dogs and realize this particular dog approaching them is friendly and means them no harm. So this child has no fear in this situation.


Another example to illustrate this matter of perceptions is a true life incident that happened to me. I was at an apartment downtown visiting someone. The apartment was close to the train - to the LRT Station. I needed to go someplace on the train. I believe I was late for whatever I needed to do or where I needed to go, and so I was running to catch the train. There was a woman going the same way and who was on the sidewalk, and she saw me running towards her. I was running and as I approached her she started to scream. I just ran past her towards the train station, and was fortunate to make it just in time to catch it. The woman had this fear, and screamed in terror. No doubt her feeling of fear to her was real, and she obviously perceived that I had bad intentions towards her. However, I was just late to catch the train and was running to catch it, and had no evil thoughts towards the woman whatsoever.


So if we are dealing with feeling, and attitudes then the concept that the " perception is the reality " has some merit to it.


However, the idea that the " perception is the reality " just doesn't wash with practical matters, and with scientific truths.


To illustrate - I will give you a true life story. My Dad was not highly educated - he could not read, but he spoke three languages fluently. Anyways one day we were talking about the moon, and my Dad said the moon was a ball of fire (this was a few years before man walked on the moon). I said no it isn't - the light the moon gives us is just reflected light from the sun.


Now my Dads perception used to be that the moon was a ball of fire. For him this perception was the reality, but his personal perception did not make it the objective truth. Just because he perceived that the moon was a ball of fire, could not alter the reality that the moons light we see is just reflected sunlight. It is a proven scientific fact that the moon's light is just reflected sunlight - this truth can be verified, so we can have no doubt here.


There is objective truth. And one objective truth is that the moon's light we receive here on earth is just reflected sunlight. Some more primitive or uneducated people may feel the moon is a ball of fire, but this is just a subjective perception. No amount of subjective thinking by anyone that the moon is a ball of fire - can alter the simple reality that the moon's light is merely reflected sunlight.


I remember having a deep discussion about this subject of perceptions with a couple of friends. It was winter on the farm in North Central Alberta and very cold that day. This woman friend was talking that reality is just a matter of perceptions. I challenged her to a test. I suggested to her that she take off her cloths and run naked outside, but perceive that it is warm and balmy, like on a hot summer day. Will your perception change the reality that you will freeze your ass off, if you run outside naked on a bitterly cold winter day in Alberta ?Well she did not take me up on the challenge - thankfully, and anyways her husband sitting there probably would not have approved.


Now What About God and the Bible ?


Many so-called educated persons may try to tell you that God does not exist and the Bible is just a collection of myths. Others will say this is just a matter of perceptions, and it doesn't really matter what kind of God you worship - they all have merit, since it is just a matter of perceptions to them. Worship God - whatever you perceive Him or Her to be - and it is okay goes the twist. This is because many believe the myth that there is no objective truth - that truth is just subjective and there are no absolutes. So it is to them just a matter of opinion rather than a matter of truth.


The simple truth is that you can scientifically prove that God exists, and there are all kinds of proofs that the Bible is true, because of the numerous fulfilled prophecies written within it.


You can believe or perceive whatever you want regarding God and the Bible, but your perceptions will never be able to alter the reality that God exists and the Bible is the written inspired word of God. I can easily prove that the God mentioned and described in the Bible exists literally. However, I cannot prove this to a person with a closed mind, who refuses to see the truth.


Just believing something is true will not make it the objective truth. Belief must be based on reality. There has to be verifiable facts and truths - that justify your faith in God.


To illustrate - the Muslims believe in Allah. But there is no way to prove that the Allah of the Muslims is the true God. There is no proof. Muslims are just supposed to believe it. This is blind faith. It is faith that is not based on objective, verifiable reality. It is just a belief system invented by man for the most part.


It is a similar story with the various other false gods and false religions that have been invented by mankind. Religion is the invention of mankind. The true God does not have a religion, if He did then the religion would be greater than Him and be God.


The true God described in the Bible is not an invention of man.


Now when we ask ourselves whether God exists or not there are certain things which are self-evident. If God exists then he cannot be the creation of man. He must be the creator of the universe and man or else He is not God. If I make a god and then bow down before it then how can this be the real God. It isn't because I am the one who made it.


In the same way, if man develops a religion then how can they say it comes from God ? If you or I decide to go out and start a religion of our own then it is our own invention and so subject to us. We can change it to suit our own fancy. We can compromise with this principle and that concept and not worry, because it is our own invention. God exists and He cannot be the invention of men, otherwise He ceases to be God, but just our own creation. This is a serious issue because people forget that religion is the invention of man. Religion has got nothing to do with God. God does not have a religion. If God had a religion then the religion would be greater than Him. If God has to follow a religion, then the religion is god. Man could not have invented God, because if he did then man is God. However we know very well that man is not a God, but merely flesh and blood and subject to death just like any other living animal. Men did not create the earth and the universe.


The argument is used by many well educated people that " man created God in his own image." However this is impossible and incompatible with the concept of God. God must of created us and the earth and universe, because otherwise he isn't God. The definition of God is this - that He is the Supreme Being, the creation and ruler of the universe. The one who calls Himself God in the Bible claims to be just that Supreme Being.


If we will be aware of the world and ourselves we must look at all the possibilities: A scientist does not make his mind up before hand to ignore certain things. He looks into everything and gets the facts. So if we want to be true scientists then we cannot dismiss the Bible, but must study into it and whether the claims made there are valid. If the things written there can be proved to be merely myths then we can dismiss this whole concept of God as is explained in the Bible. However if what is written there can be proved in the real world and what it says jives with the real world then it is true. It is objective truth and objective reality. In studying into this subject we must be honest with ourselves and put away prejudice. To thine own self be true.



You can go to my article Proofs that God Exists.



In Conclusion Regarding Perceptions and Absolutes


It is a myth there is no objective truth, but it is all subjective. Yes if we are dealing with feeling, and attitudes then the concept that the " perception is the reality " has some merit to it.

However, the idea that the " perception is the reality " just doesn't wash with practical matters, and with scientific truths.No amount of positive thinking or mind games will change certain absolute realities.

