Videos and Links
Provided for you are links to a You Tube series I put together last year in 2011 just before the Feast of Trumpets towards the end of September. There are seven videos - each one running a little less than 15 minutes. All together they come to about 90 minutes.
The subject was The Signs of Christ's Return, and the web page advertised on tyhe videos used be found on my old site at but I have been having problems with the old site, and it has been deleted for now. I am reluctant to delete the videos, since I have no time to do a new series right now. For now ignore the old address, and instead go to Signs of Christ's Return on the new site.
The video series was put together, because I was very upset with all the misinformation, and downright lies that were being spread concerning Christ's return. A Mr. Harold Camping was predicting the end of the world for October 2011, and others were saying the end was to come at the end of 2012 - apparently following predictions by some kind of Mayan Calendar. I knew very well these matters were not true, so in response to all this hype, hysteria, and ignorance - I went over You Tube to bring some common sense and clarity to the subject.
And do you know it has not cost anyone (except myself and my family) a penny. Not a single penny, quarter or dime of your money. This is all free of charge.
Harold Camping and his followers spend around 100 million dollars advertising their message of the so-called " end of the world and the rapture. " And nothing they predicted happened. All that happened was $ 100,000,000 bucks poured down the drain. Man oh man, what awesome things I could accomplish, if I had 100 million dollars to devote to doing God's work.
Vast sums of money are also being spent all around the world by many people preparing for something in 2012 (the end) that will not happen. More money, time and resources flushed down the toilet. In the meanwhile - here I am working my butt off giving people the straight and honest truth, with almost no resources and money to work with except my own and those of my immediate small family.
Oh yeah I know the seven videos are amateurish and I am not the best speaker, and have a face only a mother could love, but you know you have to work with what you got - with what the good Lord gives you at the time. I hope to do a more professional, polished job on this subject someday, when I have the time. However, for now this will have to do. And you know, if people started supporting me and this work financially - then I would have more time to do God's work.
Update November 8th 2014. I was right on in my perdiction that the perdictions of the end of the world and the rapture would not happen. How sad so much money and time was wasted. Mr. Camping has long since passed away - actually he died on December 15, 2013. I feel sorry for the man. He must have had a hard time coping with matters after his perdictions did not come to pass. Hopefully he did not lose his faith in Christ, just because he Mr. Camping got things wrong.
I tell people the truth and almost nobody believes me, and nobody (outside of my own family) sends me any money to do God's work. Camping and other false prophets tell people all kinds of lies and many believe, and the money pours in. Some even send in their entire life savings. Strange world isn't it when people massively support lies, while ignoring the truth and truth tellers. Liars and false prophets prosper, while God's work done by myself doesn't receive a penny of support from the public.
Oh I am prepared to be generous and don't think these people lied deliberately. Maybe some do to get money, but probably not most. They just do not know what they are talking about, yet strangely many people follow. The blind leading the blind.
Seven Part Video Series on the Signs of Christ's Return - my hope is to one day upgrade these videos and do a more professional job. So try to ignore my clumsy first steps in doing videos, and instead concentrate on the message. Remember also, if I had $ 100,000,000 bucks to work with like Harold Camping and his followers did I could have done a top notch professional job, and hired all kinds of help to put a pofessional video series together, and have someone edit the production to boot. I did this whole series on almost nothing. I have not swindled anyone out of their life savings. Nobody has been harmed by my videos, except the liars and false prophets, who keep telling you lies.
The Signs of Christ's Return, and the web page advertised on the videos used be found on my old site at but I have been having problems with the old site, and it has been deleted for now, so that link won't work. I am reluctant to delete the videos, since I have no time to do a new series right now. For now ignore the old address, and instead go to Signs of Christ's Return on the new site.

The following links are not associated with any of my own links or videos.
The following videos are Powerful Evidence of the Accuracy of the Bible. Ron Wyatt did most of the groundwork here. Ron Wyatt died in 1999, but he left behind a powerful legacy. So give him the credit here, and especially give him the credit for being a genuine, humble servant of God, through whom God was able to work to verify so many amazing biblical truths - facts that most of the world chooses to ignore. Ignoring the facts of history won't change the reality.
- The Ark of the Covenant
- Sodom and Gomorrah
- Mt. Sinai
- Red Sea Crossing by the Children of Israel
- Noah's Ark
This doesn't mean I agree with absolutely everything on the site, and with all the things on the videos, but have a look and judge for yourself. I especially found the video on the discovered ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah to be fascinating and frightening at the same time. The late Ron Wyatt did most of the ground work here.
The Lost Tribes of Israel This is an excellent site, put together by Mr. Jack Flaws. He has kindly granted me permission to create a hyperlink to his site. My primary aim is to direct you to the maps of the migrations of the Lost Tribes of Israel, and other information Jack has that helps shed light on this subject.
This does not mean I agree with everything on his site and all his views, but I basically regard the information on the tribes of Israel and the Throne of David to be very important, and basically quite accurate. The more information we can get on a subject - the more accurate judgment we can make. I find most of what he says about these matters to be extremely useful.
This is just a link to more information regarding the Lost Tribes of Israel.
Jack has very useful information about Jacob's Pillar Stone and some interesting pictures and graphs on this page. Have a look at the Coronation Chair that Queen Elizabeth, was crowned on. Underneath it sits The Coronation Stone.
You may access that page by clicking on the following hyperlink
There are some web sites you can access concerning the The Lost Tribes of Israel and Jacob's Pillar Stone and The Stone of Scones.