Matthew 24:14   " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come. "


Most Recent Sabbath Lesson 

Weekly Sabbath Lesson January 25, 2014

God is never pleased with sin and corruption. I have been warning Canadians and the people of the United States of America since December 29, 2002 about the serious consequences of the increased sins in these two nations. Go to Message  The Message remains the same and the time for Canada and the USA to reap the consequences of sin and corruption has arrived. All that remains in my judgment is for God to prepare an alternative to these present corrupt nations and their corrupt governments. Something needs to replace these dying nations, since God is in control of nature and nature hates a vacuum. That something is the House of Israel - both North and South House of Israel. These new nations will have God's Laws (some of them - not all of them) as the foundation of their new Constitutions.

Sabbath Lesson January 18, 2014 

The Calendar was all done, but something happened and it was accidentally deleted. So unfortunately it has to be done all over again, and it is not easy. Sorry about the mistake. 

Just finished updating the combined Hebrew-Gregorian Calendar. The Hebrew Calendar begins on the Month of Abib (which is always in the spring in the Northern Hemisphere). The Calendar needs a little polishing yet, but I have been so busy lately.

The Gregorian Calendar which is officially followed in Canada and the United States and throughout much of the world. It actually is Roman Catholic in origins. The Calendar of Mystery Babylon the Great. Yes the Roman Catholic Church is indeed a great, powerful, influential entity in the world of today. However, this is Satan's world at this time, but the time approaches in the next few short decades (probably sometime between 2040 to 2070) where Satan;s world will come to an end, and Christ will return to set up the Kingdom of God. We will then no longer follow the Catholic Calendar, or any other kind of Calendar, except God's Sacred Calendar.

Sabbath Lesson December 28, 2013 - also for Christmas 2013

I have not added any Bible Lesson for so long, because I wanted readers to study God's annual Holydays, and also because I have had a bad eye strain, and sore eyes so looking into the computer monitor made things worse. 

Want I want to do in the next lesson (which will be put together and published before Christmas December 25th, 2013)  is a follow-up to the Lessons given regarding God's Holydays. By the way Christmas is not one of God's Holydays. Go to the truth about Christmas.

These days point to Christ and show us God's schedule He is following here on earth. God has a plan He is following. He has a schedule here on earth He is following. That plan and schedule is shown to us through God's annual Holydays. these days are the following:

Feast of Unleavened Bread
Day of Pentecost
Feast of Trumpets
Day of Atonement
Feast of Tabernacles
Last Great Day

I want feedback from readers. What I am asking is for you to  E-mail  me and ask some questions or point out to me - How if people started keeping God's Annual Holydays plus the weekly Sabbath - what misperceptions about God and what He is doing here on earth would be cleared up ?  And what Holyday exposes and points out that error in doctrine and belief ? 

Some examples of false beliefs cleared up if we keep God's Holydays and understand them:

1. Jesus could return at any time - maybe tonight.
No this is wrong. Cleared up by understanding the Feast of Trumpets, which is prophetic of the return of Christ to stop the nuclear war, and the resurrection of the Saints. 
2. Why does God allow so much evil in this world, if God is love ?
This is understood by studying God's plan and realizing that God's Kingdom is not yet set up by Christ, and we are living under Satan's world and Satan's Kingdom. God reserves the right to intervene at any time to carry out His will, but basically Satan has been given jurisdiction over the governments of this world, and God is supporting this to and it is all according to God's plan and schedule. 

There are many more questions. I would welcome yours. Send me your questions. I will have this article done before Christmas December 25, 2013. No other lessons will be added until then. 

3. If Christ IS returning then why is He so slow ? 

The point is that God is following a schedule. Christ also needs enough saints resurrected into His Kingdom to set up His world ruling Kingdom of God. My theory is that Christ is short of saints, so His return is delayed, and work is needed to rebuild the true Church of God. 

4. The earth will last forever. 

No it will not in its present form. After the Millennium and the Last Great Day the earth will turn into something like a ball of fire or molten lava. God will then create a new heaven and a new earth. There will be no more sea. The earth as we know it will be completely changed. It will be on the spiritual plane. 

5. We have an eternal soul that never dies - we will either go to heaven or hell.

No this is not true. We are made of the dust of the ground and return to dust at death, but there is the hope of the resurrection and eternal salvation for God's servants. The Last Great Day explains this matter of death. If people started keeping this Holyday then God would open their minds to understand God's will.

6. Mankind will conquer space and someday learn how to live forever. 

Not true at all. In our present physical form - God has made us of the dust of the ground. We are of the earth. God will not allow mankind to conquer space, of find a way to live forever in our present state. . This is because God has degreed that the wages of sin is death. We will all die, but there is the promise of salvation and the new spiritual bodies God has promised His servants. 

Understood by keeping and understanding the Last Great Day and the Feast of Tabernacles. 

7. Jesus Christ was not a family man. 

Not true at all. Christ will marry the church after the resurrection. God and Christ are creating a family for themselves. God is our Father. True Christians are the children of God. Christ is the begotten Son of God. God the Father is creating a family for Himself, and working through His Son Jesus Christ to create that family. 

Folks these are just some false doctrines and myths that are cleared up if we keep and understand God's Holydays. 

Mailing  Address: Ray Wegner P.O. Box 475 Stn. Main Calgary, Alberta T2P-2J1     


Fax number - Calgary and area 403-453-7787  for long distance dial 1-403-453-7787


Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms and Fundamental Freedoms (from the Canadian Constitution) " The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association. "


Readers are encouraged to point out biblical errors in all of my material and writings on spiritual matters. If you can find scriptural errors in my teachings that cannot be backed up by hard, concrete biblical teachings and doctrine - then I will gladly accept the constructive criticism and make the changes needed. So please go ahead and point out my mistakes, but your criticism must not be based on mere opinion, but must be able to be proved from the Bible.

For accuracy, the Bible translations recommended are the Authorized King James Version or the New King James Version.


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