" Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. "
The Church as an ecclesiastical organization has to stay pure and faithful to Christ. They cannot be like Mystery Babylon the Great, who is unfaithful to Christ and is a prostitute that goes to be with the governments of the world. It is not our job as the true Church of God to take over the governments of this world, or try to force our doctrines on others through the power of the state. It is not our job to save the world - Jesus is the Savior.
Our job is a spiritual job of obeying God, having faith in Christ, overcoming our sins and spiritual faults, producing fruits for God, praying and making sure to avoid idolatry, and especially putting God and Jesus Christ first in our lives.
Jesus when He returns will set about to rule and reform the world.
All true Christians have their roles in the world. They have families and jobs. Perhaps a true Christian has a job with the government. There is nothing sinful about that, as long as your job doesn't require you to sin.
God has sometimes called individuals to salvation, who had very high positions in government, like Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon for example. Also God has often used His true servants and promoted them to high positions within the governments of this world, like with Joseph in Egypt, and Daniel in Babylon. Most ordinary Christians are never used by God for such purposes.
The true Church is on very dangerous spiritual ground, if they are like Mystery Babylon, and mix religion with politics, and try to force their religion on others through the power of the state.
Also any true Christian must be extremely careful if they have a job with any government of this world, or want to get involved with running for political office. They are in deep spiritual danger, if they decide to go along with sinful policies for example. So extreme caution must be taken by any of God's servants if they decide to get involved here. They have to be sure not to compromise with God's laws and commandments, and not go along with policies that are obviously sinful.
................... to be continued