Extent of Influence of Mystery Babylon and Her Harlot Daughters
These matters are put together here in a rough outline, and over time will be added to and completed. This is a work in progress.
Holidays - mostly from Mystery Babylon
Most Customs originate from Mystery Babylon
2.Boxing Day
3.New Year’s Eve
4. Good Friday
5. Easter Sunday
6. Halloween
7. Lent
8.St. Patrick’s Day
9. Valentine’s Day
This list will be added to after research. Also added will be various customs originating from the Harlot Daughters of Mystery Babylon.
Educational System – research into the extent of.
Extent and influence of Catholic run school system in Canada.
Public school system is actually the Protestant School System.
Fairly comprehensive list of the higher educational institutions run by the Catholics and Protestants.
The compulsory boarding schools for natives, where many children were abused.
Documentation of how Canada does not have a separation of church and state, and how the combination of church and state still operates in Canada in 2012.
Worldwide Influence of Mystery Babylon – statistics and list of countries and the extent of influence of the Catholic Church
Documentation of the wealth of the Catholic Church – the amount of wealth and money they control.
Various Pagan Customs that the Roman Catholic Church has embraced, and combined with their own Catholic Doctrines.
Birth of the Roman Catholic Church originated with Constantine the Roman Emperor.
The official birth of the Roman Catholic Church rooted in how they committed fornication with the Kings of the Earth.
Western Civilization is actually Catholic and Protestant civilization.
The concept of East and West is actually Catholic in origins.
The Gregorian calendar is a Catholic calendar – many if not most of the names for the days and months are Catholic or Pagan in origin.
Colonization - Various colonizing countries like Britain, France and Spain worked together with Mystery Babylon and her Harlot Daughters to force their religion upon the colonized countries and their people – e.g. Incas, Mayans, Aboriginals of Canada and the USA.
Various corrupt concepts originating from Mystery Babylon, like heaven and hell, etc. Research required.
There are plans for Mystery Babylon to bring the whole world into unity under the command of the Roman Catholic Church.
Major Blasphemes of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope.
1.Calling the Pope - Holy Father
2.Worshipping Mary
3.Claiming the Pope when he speaks ex-cathedra is infallible.
4.Claim the Roman Catholic Church to be infallible in matters of doctrine.
5.The Pope claims to be the head of every Christian and the Head of the Church.
6.Catholic Priests claim to have power to forgive sins, when only God can forgive sins.
7.They worship all kind of false gods.
The capitalist system originated from one of the Harlot daughters of Mystery Babylon namely Calvinism. The worldwide capitalist system has its origins from Mystery Babylon and her Harlot daughters.
1.Concept that hard work is synonymous with righteousness.
2.Concept that accumulation of wealth is a sign God is with you.
3.Concept that God is a capitalist and approves of the capitalist system.
Domination and Exploitation of Nature by mankind has its origins in Mystery Babylon
1.Concept that nature is to be dominated by humanity.
2.Nature being viewed as an enemy to conquer.
Influence of the Roman Catholic Church in the business world.
The influence of the Jesuits.
Major False Doctrines of Mystery Babylon and her harlot daughters listed.
Influence of the Catholic Church upon the governments and how the Catholic Church has diplomatic relations with governments all around the world.
1.Vatican City is a City State.
2.The Vatican has observer status and an observer seat at the United Nations.
3.List of nations with diplomatic relations with the Vatican.
4.The Vatican is an independent country with the Pope as its head of state.
5.The Catholic Church sat upon and controlled the Holy Roman Empire in Europe for almost 1,000 years. A fairly comprehensive list of governments the Roman Catholic Church controlled during the times of the Holy Roman Empire will be provided.
6.List of emperors crowned by the Popes.
7.The Roman Catholic Church worked through the secular powers to force their religion upon people.
Vatican City maintains formal diplomatic relations with 176 nations that belong to the United Nations. The Vatican also has relations with Taiwan, Cook Islands, and Malta. It has special relations with the European Union. 78 of these countries keep up permanent diplomatic missions accredited to Vatican City and resident in Rome. The others have missions located outside Italy with dual accreditation. The Vatican maintains 106 permanent diplomatic missions to nation-states, like Canada the USA etc. The Vatican has a separate permanent diplomatic mission to the European Union in Brussels. The Vatican also has relations of a special nature with the Palestine Liberation Organization and a delegate to the Arab League in Cairo.
- information gleaned from the US Department of State
Nimrod and his corrupt wife and the influence thereof:
1.The Tower of Babel
2.The birth of various false and corrupt customs, which the Roman Catholic Church has perpetuated, like the worship of the goddess of fertility Estar.
3.The worship of the Sun god.
4.Constantine and his worship of the Sun.
5.When Constantine became a Catholic he was instrumental in getting the false doctrine of Sunday now being the weekly Sabbath, when the Seventh day of the week was always the weekly Sabbath.
Various conflicts between the early true Church of God and the Church at Rome documented.
1.The church at Rome deviated from the scriptures.
2.The conflict over the observance of Passover and Easter.
3.The beginnings of the persecutions of God’s true Church by the Church at Rome.
4.Over time there was a persecution of God’s true Church by the Church at Rome, which worked with the government of the Roman Empire.
5.Various policies of different governments of the Roman Empire towards the true Church of God and how it discriminated against them and supported the Church at Rome. One example is Nero and other illustrations will be documented.
God’s true Church had to flee into the wilderness, due to the persecutions and the Roman Catholic Church organized various military expeditions to wipe out these people.
The Roman Catholic Church plans to bring all religions together under the banner of the Catholic Church – and these plans are still in place at this time, and the plan for world domination is still there.
Fate of the Roman Catholic Church is to be burnt up.
These matters are put together here in a rough outline, and over time will be added to and completed. This is a work in progress.