Important Message for Canada and the United States and Others
Table of Contents
The Temple and Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Important Message to the United States and its Little Brother Canada (Dec. 29/2002)
Human beings were not made to be forced, but have God given free moral agency. Pushing people into a corner and trying to ram something down their throats won't work. This just breeds rebellion and resistance.
A quote from Henry David Thoreau (from Civil Disobedience)
" I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest. What force has a multitude ? They can only force me to obey a higher law than I. They force me to become like themselves. I do not hear of men being forced to live this way or that by masses of men. "
Humiliating and bullying people doesn't work, because it sets up resistance within them. The United States of America is bullying , pushing and humiliating people and nations all around the world, including Canada.
The Unites States (as of Dec.29,2002) is now dominating and controlling the new capitalist world order that has emerged. They have created a vast empire from one end of the earth to the other. They dominate the Middle East, and are poised to conquer Iraq. They control Russia through bribery. They are military, economic and cultural imperialists, who have created a vast empire around the world. NATO is controlled by them, as is the United Nations. Canada is bullied, and is a virtual US colony.
The United States of America is now at the height of their power and influence, but the God of heaven is not pleased with them.
God is the one who builds up and tears down nations. God is the one who has given the USA so much power, strength and riches, but this power has not been used right.
The USA claims to be the champion of freedom and democracy, yet over 2,000,000 of its own citizens are imprisoned. The majority of voters do not vote in elections. George Bush didn't win the majority of votes in the last Presidential elections, yet he is President.
Over forty million (40,000,000) unborn children have been murdered through abortions in the United States, since the Roe versus Wade court decision on January 22, 1973.
The United States is the hot bed of every sort of sin and excess, and its little colony Canada has followed in its sinful footsteps.
Here are the Sins of the USA that God is So Angry About.
1. Feminist ideology began in the United States, and they have spread this poison all around the world.
2. Divorce rates are sky high (over 50 % of marriages fail).
3. Around 52 % of black American families are headed by a single mother. Where are the men ? Are many of them out fooling around making more children, that they have no intentions of helping and supporting ?
The late, black professional basketball star, Wilt Chamberlain, boasted in his book about having sex with over 20,000 women ! Was he condemned for this ? No ! He was a cultural hero ! " He lived life to the full, " his friends and supporters smirked and chuckled. Yet over 50 % of black American children do not have a full time father to support and help them.
4. There are around 1,350,000 abortions in the United States each year - about 4,000 per day. Since 1973 there have been about 40 million abortions !
5. The USA has over 15,000 murders each year, and had 2,026,596 people incarcerated at the end 1999.
6. Much of the USA business world is extremely corrupt. The recent Enron collapse is an example.
7. A lot of USA business seeks protection from international competition by lobbying governments for subsidies. Yet they claim to be such an entrepreneurial and free trading nation.
8. The amount of money wasted on excess military spending is staggering. Much of this reeks of corruption. The Bush Administration is spending $343.2 billion this year on the Department of Defense and nuclear weapons. The combined military budgets of the countries of Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Libya, Cuba, Sudan and Syria and China and Russia are equal to about 1/3 the US military budget.The United States remains the world's largest supplier of arms.
9. Pornography is very widespread, as is prostitution. In some places like Las Vegas there are legalized brothels operating. Nationwide in the USA around 1 million girls and women work as prostitutes. There are about 100,000 arrests for prostitution annually. 500,000 to 1.2 million children are involved in child prostitution in the USA. There are at least 300,000 male prostitutes under age 16.
10. The gap between rich and poor in the USA is enormous, and growing. Yet the Bill Gates type people are looked up to and viewed as someone to emulate. Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has more wealth than the bottom 45 percent of American households combined.
As of 1995, Federal Reserve research found that the wealth of the top one percent of Americans is greater than that of the bottom 95 percent. Three years earlier, the Fed's Survey of Consumer Finance found that the top one percent had wealth greater than the bottom 90 percent.
In 1996, the Census Bureau reported record-level inequality, with the top fifth of U.S. households claiming 48.2 percent of national income while the bottom fifth gets by on 3.6 percent.
In 1973, the income of the top 20 percent of American families was 7.5 times that of the bottom 20 percent. By 1996, it was 13 times.
Business Week reports that in 1999 top executives earned 419 times the average wage of a blue-collar worker, up from 326:1 in 1998. In 1980, the ratio was 42:1.
Adjusting for inflation, the net worth of the median American household fell 10 percent between 1989 and 1997, declining from $54,600 to $49,900. The net worth of the top one percent is now 2.4 times the combined wealth of the poorest 80 percent.
11. Illegal criminal gangs and the drug trade proliferate - along with prostitution and all its various vices.
12. Gambling is an American way of life, but nothing good has come out of it. Gambling is big business in America earning the gaming industry around 50.9 billion dollars in net revenue annually. The real odds of winning a state lottery are approximately fourteen million to one, the same odds as being hit by lightening seven times while waiting in the lottery line.
Seventy years ago it was illegal to gamble anywhere in the United States. American parents grew up thinking that gambling was morally wrong, but now their children are growing up thinking that gambling is as easy as going to McDonald's. Today, all but three states permit gaming, and it's getting bigger all the time. For the first time in history, gambling is available close to home. People can walk to and from work and gamble. State governments actually encourage their citizens to gamble.
Just a few days back here at the end of Dec. 2002, a Mr. Andrew Whittaker Jr. from Scott Depot, West Virginia won an astonishing $113.4-million dollar Powerball payout from the Multi-State Lottery Association. This is history's largest single lottery ticket.
Canada has followed the United States in their sinful footsteps.
So God has decided to tear down Canada and the United States, because the sins of most of the people have increased. God is fed up with all the corruption He sees constantly in these two countries. He will now start to diminish the USA and tear it apart, and He has placed the death sentence upon the nation of Canada.
Canada will die and be replaced by the new nation the House of Israel - a new nation with God's laws as its foundation.
Far Northern, Western, and North Western parts of the USA will break away, and join up in a close relationship with the new nation the House of Israel. They will break away from the USA, because it is God who builds up and tears down nations.
God will also strengthen many of the America's enemies throughout the world, which will cause the USA to be diminished and weakened.
But God will build up and strengthen the House of Israel , and make it great, because God's laws are its foundation.
This message delivered by Ray Wegner (December 29, 2002).

Proofs This Message for Canada and the United States is From God
Regarding the United States:
1. Destruction of the Space Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003, and the death of seven astronauts. I do not rejoice in the death of the astronauts. However, it is God who gives life, and it is God who takes life away. This was a terrible blow to USA pride and prestige. Additionally the number seven has significance, because it symbolizes completion, and is one of God's special numbers.
I will now publish an e-mail and a portion of another one that I sent out to Mr. John Twigg regarding the message I published concerning Canada and the USA and the timing of the destruction of the space shuttle Columbia.
This e-mail was sent out on February 9, 2003 at 10:33 A.M.
Dear Mr. John Twigg:
Thanks for the response to my e-mail regarding " Important Message for the USA and Canada. "
This message was received and put on my web page by myself on December 29,2002.
On Feb.1,2003 the Space Shuttle Columbia broke up over East Texas. Seven astronauts dead, and debris scattered along the Eastern part of Texas. This just confirms to me very powerfully that the message I delivered is from God. God will tear apart the USA, like He tore up the Space Shuttle. And amazingly, the eastern border of the 14 to 24 American States, that will be invited to form a southern version of the new nation the House of Israel, is East Texas !
I will continue delivering the message. The message is that God is very angry with the increased sins he sees in the USA and Canada. So He will punish. It is too late to avoid punishment. However, those of us who know God realize that God's punishment is good for people. It shows He loves us. And there is a blessing in it. The blessing is that God will build a new nation the House of Israel, which will have God's laws as its foundation.
God doesn't just punish someone, or some nation to see them suffer. He does it to teach a lesson, and He does it out of love.
My worry though is that these people won't take this seriously, and just think this is just some religious nut spouting off, who must be crazy. If that happens then the punishment will just intensify. This is serious business here. You will have no problems finding flaws in me.
Thank you for pointing out my grammatical errors. So I will correct this. If you see anymore of my blunders please point them out. I remember catching one of my grammatical errors not long ago. I was wanting to use the word " input " but had spelt it as " impute. "
Regarding the return of Christ. My educated guess is that Christ's return has been delayed. I'm looking at sometime between 2040 to 2070. Maybe a little bit sooner, but probably not much later. None of us knows the exact time - only God the Father knows this.
We are definitely in the end times, and the next great event on God's schedule is the return of Christ and the setting up of the Kingdom of God.
So I feel that we need to prepare for this. The Temple must be rebuilt on the Temple Mount. Right now the political situation is not right for construction. If the Jews don't, or can't do this on their own then we need to help. If the new nation the House of Israel were ever formed, we would be a strong supporter of the Jewish nation in Palestine, and would work to get the various groups to work out some kind of agreement so as to allow Temple construction to go ahead.
There is reason to believe that the Temple and the Muslim Dome of the Rock can share the same site. If there is no room then look at other possibilities, like moving over one of the walls. It will be built, when God's time comes.
So I talk too much. So long for now John.
Sincerely Ray Wegner
This is a portion of an e-mail sent to the same John Twigg on February 9, 2003 at 9:11 P.M. regarding the message and the timing of its publication. My words are in blue. John Twigg's words are in black.
" Dear Mr. John Twigg:
Thank you for your e-mail. I would like to respond in order to clear up some misunderstandings. The letter you sent is in black, and my response is in blue.
Thanks Ray
" You said you posted that article on your website on Dec. 29 2002? So you sent it out by email after the shuttle incident?? "
No. The article was published on my web site on Dec.29,2002 You can find it on my web site at This was a full month before the space shuttle disaster. I checked the history of my e-mails sent out and I began actually advertising the message on Jan.18,2003. However, it was up on there on the web on Dec.29,2002. I swear to God this is the absolute truth......................
When I sent this e-mail the message for the USA and Canada was on the web page called " Israel. " However I changed that and the message has its own page now, called " Message. "
2. USA is mired in Iraq, which is a huge drain on its resources and economy.
On December 29, 2002 there was very little indication that the United States would invade Iraq and unseat Saddam Hussein. Sure George Bush was at war with terrorism, but few of us would have dreamt on Dec.29, 2002 that in a little over a year the United States would have taken such a dramatic step in attacking another sovereign nation with the specific intent of regime change.
The 2003 invasion of Iraq began on March 20, 2003. when forces belonging primarily to the United States and the United Kingdom invaded Iraq. I wrote in War on Iraq on March 19, 2003 that the USA would have little difficulty conquering Iraq. It took them only three weeks.
As of March, 2008 the War in Iraq has so far cost the United States around $503,000,000,000 (this is $503 billion US dollars folks) - this is no small change. And there is no end in sight of the financial and human costs of this war for the USA. They are basically stuck there. Their pride and prestige is at stake. As of March 2008 almost 4,000 American troops have been killed in the war, and at least 60,000 U.S. troops have been wounded.
What an awesome drain on the USA treasury.
God is longsuffering, but when He hits you it hurts.
3. The USA is hated throughout much of the world. And the hatred keeps growing.
4. United States political leaders have gone insane, and are dominating, bullying and humiliating nations all around the world. A lot of the world now realizes that the USA and United States imperialism is their enemy. USA political leadership for the most part has gone insane.
5. Wildfires in California in October of 2003. California wildfires killed 18, consumed more than 718,000 acres and destroyed more than 2,400 homes in 10 days.Damage estimates exceeded $2 billion, but that figure was expected to rise substantially after an inventory of firefighting costs and lost property was completed.
6. Massive power blackout in the North East USA in the summer of 2003.
At approximately 4:20 PM Eastern Standard Time on August 14, 2003 the power went out in New York City. Soon it was discovered that it was not just in Manhattan, but in much of the north-eastern United States, affecting an estimated population of 50 million people.
It has now been shown that much of the power grid in this part of the USA needs structural upgrading. The massive power failure began in the USA.
God has given the USA such great power, but God can easily take that power away
7. Terrorism is still a major threat to the USA. The United States has still not captured or killed Osama Bin Laden. He remains a thorn in the side of the USA.
8. Hurricane Charley inflicted about $ 6.8 billion in insured damages in Florida as it came ashore on August 13, 2004. Only a few weeks later hurricane Frances hit Florida and there is an estimated $ 4.4 billion dollars in insured damage. As we speak (Sept 7, 2004) there is yet another storm brewing (Hurricane Ivan) that has potential to strike the USA mainland.
Update - Hurricane Ivan smashed into the South East USA mainland September 16,2004 and has since killed at least 34 people, and causing an estimated $3 billion to $6 billion US in insured property damage.
Hurricane Jeanne has killed two people in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico just a few days back. Puerto Rica has been declared a disaster area by President Bush.
Florida Agriculture Commissioner said Frances may have done more harm to the state's $9.1 billion citrus industry than Charley, which caused at least $150 million in damages after uprooting trees and knocking down fruit.
Update Tropical storm Jeanne devastated Haiti and moved North. It was expected to continue North away from land, but it made a shift in direction, and gained in intensity becoming a category three hurricane. So instead of churning harmlessly in the sea, it hit the east coast of storm weary Florida and caused expected insured losses from between $6 billion and $14 billion.
So add these storms all up you get over $ 20,000,000,000 insured damage. Naturally there were many without insurance. This is no small change. And folks the hurricane season is only about half over. 2004 may now be the insurance industry's costliest year for U.S. hurricane losses.
And remember that this only includes insured losses, and does not include the tragic lose of life and injuries (70 deaths attributed to the storms in Florida alone).
Never in living memory has there been a sequence of hurricanes to match what is now happening.
As of October 7, 2004 there is still one more month of hurricane weather !!
God is longsuffering, but when He hits you it hurts.
Are Americans learning from this punishment ? Can they begin to realize that money and material goods are not the end all and be all of life ? Can they begin to see how God is trying to show them their national idolatry - how almost all their society is caught up in this mad pursuit of more and more money, and more and more material things ?
The storm can come and blow away our material goods. These are only things of the earth. The things of the earth are only temporary. God wants us to learn to put Him and the spiritual first - for these spiritual matters are enduring.
Can Americans begin to start having the right and proper attitude towards wealth and material gain ? It is not a sin and crime to be rich - but we should not trust in our wealth. Rather trust in God and put Him first, and then we can have the right attitude towards the material riches God has given us.
9. The United Sates as of November 2004 is A Nation Divided
The November 2, 2004 presidential elections revealed a very divided land - a nation divided cannot stand. God is tearing the United States apart - this can be very clearly seen. The United States is deeply divided politically, and in regards to moral values, divided on the war in Iraq, culturally divided, and just basically split - and the two opposing sides don't even seem to understand each other.
Let me now give you some quotes by commentators and citizens of the USA regarding the 2004 Presidential elections, which proves that the message delivered to the people of Canada and the United States on this web site, is indeed from God:
" Remarkably in the past four years, four years filled with wars and attacks and economic struggle, we have not been drawn together as a nation, rather, we have become two nations, separated by completely different ideas of what America means. Two nations of people trying to walk parallel paths towards a more perfect Union. We cannot continue in this way for long. "
" The 2004 election has revealed a deeply divided electorate which is polarized more than ever over cultural issues as well as the war in Iraq. "
" The social and cultural divisions in the American electorate are best expressed by the sharp divide in voting patterns by church attendance. The sharp division revealed by the election, then, could persist well beyond voting day. Religion - rather than class, ethnic origin or education - has become the key determinant of voting in the 2004 presidential race, according to an exit poll conducted by the Associated Press news agency. And moral issues were more important for voters than Iraq, the war on terrorism, or the economy. According to the exit poll, 22% of the electorate said "moral values" was the issue that mattered most in how they voted - compared to 20% who cited the economy, 19% who cited terrorism, and just 15% who said Iraq was the key issue. "
" With the elections behind them, residents are wondering what the results say about the United States - and how a nation so divided in political beliefs can come together. "
" ELEANOR HALL: With just hours to go now until polls open in the United States, commentators say the country has rarely been so bitterly politically divided. It's profound. It's profound, and it's… it's scary in its own way that there is so much emotion on both sides, just incredible passion on both sides. And I really don't know what the country is going to be like, regardless of who wins. "
" Smith and Ramsey said the cultural divide is playing out between their neighbors. Ramsey said people are so divided many are afraid to express their views. "
" I've never seen such a divide, the parties are so far apart now. There's no common ground... "
" It all adds up to two different mindsets, reinforcing the idea of a schism in the political landscape. "
" Bush's victory left Emma Starr, a writer from New York, feeling devastated and more than a bit disconnected from the other half of America. We should have two distinct nations, she said after getting word of Kerry's concession as she left a Brooklyn food co-op. Why should we be forced to live together under the rule of an evil dictator? "
" But when the nation goes to the polls today they will only have two camps to choose from and what little common ground there may have been between them has effectively been torched. "
" This is not an election about platforms or ideas. It has brought the issue of who owns America and what its values should be into stark relief. But it cannot answer them. "
" The US presidential election campaign has proved so contentious that reuniting politically-divided Americans could prove beyond whoever wins the White House. Americans are torn apart over "values issues" like abortion, embryo stem cell research and gay marriage which have received substantial airing during the contest between Republican President George W. Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry. "
" Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said Thursday that America remains a nation divided along racial and economic lines, and pledged to lift up those who are left out."
" The country was still bitterly divided along pretty much the exact same lines. So the way I see it, we now face a choice. We can once again half-heartedly feign coming together, but not really mean it, or we can end the partisan bickering once and for all. "
" That’s right, I’m talking two nations – under God – divisible – the United Red States of America and the United Blue States of America. "
" Tuesday's election revealed deep cleavages in American society, splitting citizens by region, gender, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, values and education level. But there is one thing that united Americans on Tuesday: They were worried. "
" More than anything else, Tuesday's election revealed an anxious electorate and a populace lacking in confidence, a number of political scientists and polling experts say. "
" The U.S. enters the last stages of this year's campaign as a nation divided. "
" This is not a happy nation. This is an anxious nation, Terror, economic well-being, health care, values: There's a whole set of worries that are reflected in this election."
Folks - when are Americans and Canadians going to start taking seriously the message delivered to the USA and Canada on this web site as of Dec. 29,2002 ? Me you can ignore. I am not important. But God, who is the Creator, and who is the one who builds up and tears down nations - you cannot ignore. It is time to build something new and better - the new nation the House of Israel - North House of Israel, and South House of Israel.
Can't you see now that this is no joking matter ? These are very serious things.
10. Hurricane Katrina hit Southern Florida on Friday August 26, 2005 causing considerable damage. It then moved into the warm Gulf of Mexico where it gained strength. It hit the coast of Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama early on Monday August 29th as a category 4 hurricane.
There has been around 1,163 deaths due to the hurricane. Over one million people were displaced.
It is too early to give an accurate account of the cost to property. However, a closer examination of some of the estimates brings the total of insured and uninsured damages to well over $100 billion and possibly up to $200 billion and even more.
This would make it the costliest natural disaster in United States history by far.
When will the people of the United States and Canada start paying attention to this message, and start taking it seriously ? When ?
11. Hurricane Wilma came ashore in Florida on Monday, October 24th, 2005 and has inflicted an estimated $ 10,000,000,000 (ten billion) dollars worth of damage to Florida. This would rank it among the top 10 most expensive storms to hit the United States ever.
Storm after storm keeps hitting the USA in 2005. The 2005 Atlantic-Caribbean hurricane season has been a record-breaker with 22 tropical storms or hurricanes, besting the old record of 21 set in 1933.
12. The United States national debt increased to a whooping $ 8,079,206,364,032.38 (that is a little over 8 trillion dollars) as of November 11, 2005. In 2005 the USA population is about 297 million, so each citizen's share of the debt is roughly $27,000.
The U.S. National Debt increased an average of $3.48 billion per day since September 30, 2005.
The U.S. trade deficit was $66.1 billion in September, 2005 - a monthly record. The United States is very, very dependent on foreign capital to fund its import bill. Imports in Sept, 2005 rose to $171.3 billion, while exports in the same month were $105.2 billion - according to the U.S. Commerce Department. The trading gap may exceed $700 billion for 2005, compared to the 2004 record of $617.6 billion.
The U.S. appetite for foreign products seems almost insatiable. A lot of the dollars the United States consumers and businesses use to pay for the imports - are invested by foreigners in U.S. Treasury Bonds and mortgage-finance companies. If foreign interests (who hold these multiple billions in U.S. securities) should ever become alarmed about the humongous U.S. indebtedness, there could be a panic sell off, which would have serious financial repercussions.
There is also a very serious monetary problem in the United States regarding unfunded government liabilities. This is government money that is ear marked for spending in the future (things like for pensions and other forms of social security), but where the money for such future costs is not being saved up, but just being spent up now. And where the tax regime of today does not take into account these future costs. Where the current tax regime, cannot sustain projected future government legal monetary obligations.
Total U.S. hidden debt. United States federal, state and local governments have debts and "unfunded liabilities" of around $53 trillion, or $473,456 per household.
Social Security. The retirement program has $12.7 trillion in obligations it cannot meet for current workers and retirees at the current Social Security tax rate.
Generally speaking economists agree that this matter of USA borrowing cannot continue forever - there eventually will be a day of reckoning.
Yet the excessive borrowing and record level of debt, and the reckless spending in the United States continues. The day of reckoning approaches.
13. Another amazing almost unprecedented happening regarding the War in Iraq, is the denouncing by six retired USA Generals of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's handling of the War in Iraq. Another proof of a deeply divided nation that is on the brink of imploding.
April 22, 2006 Six retired U.S. Marine and Army generals denounced Pentagon planning for the war in Iraq and called for the resignation or firing of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. It is widely accepted that the views of the retired generals is the substantive majority view among officers in the field.
This move is almost unprecedented in USA history. It is tantamount to a vote of no confidence by the military brass of the civilian leadership of the USA Armed Forces. The Generals are supposed to carry out the orders of the civilian leadership, and President Bush is the Commander in Chief.
The six retired Generals are:
- Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, the former head of Central Command
- Major Gen. Paul Eaton
- Marine Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold
- Maj. Gen. John Batiste
- Maj. Gen. Charles J. Swannack
- Maj. Gen. John Riggs
The Generals' Revolt was a crisis for Bush. In supporting Rumsfeld he is going against generals with more credibility than him.
But if he had gone along with the Generals' Revolt by canning Rumsfeld, the generals would have staged a sort of bloodless coup. Retired generals would have supplanted civilian leadership by forcing the commander in chief to fire the Iraq War minister upon which much of the U.S. position in the Middle East depends. The commander in chief will have been castrated by retired generals.
Should the Bush regime make a move on Iran without the support of the top USA military brass - all hell could break out in the USA. It could even lead to a sort of civil war.This is serious stuff folks.
14. I wrote a ways back regarding the huge indebtedness of the USA and USA borrowers - that this cannot continue forever, and the day of reckoning approaches. Well we may be right on the threshold of that day of reckoning. It has to do with the excessive and risky borrowing by banks to home buyers, and now the resulting softness of the housing market, which has resulted in one bank after another announced losses that now exceed $400 billion and that some estimate will ultimately cross the trillion-dollar mark.
There is a huge worry over the financial health of giant financial institutions. Much of private sector money has fled the mortgage industry - where before they were pouring money into the mortgage sector. So now most of the responsibility for financing American homes falls to the government-sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This means the government has taken on a greater role in assuring that Americans can buy a home or attend college.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the two remaining pillars holding the whole structure up. The USA government simply cannot afford to let these two pillars collapse. Yet the USA government is deeply, deeply in debt, and depends on borrowing from places like Communist China to keep things going.
Things are looking very, very grim. Will the people of Canada and the USA start taking this message seriously now ? Me you can ignore, but God you cannot. I am God's servant delivering to you the message. You are not taking me seriously. This means you are not taking God seriously, because it is God who sent me to you with this message. I did not do this on my own. It is not my message. It is God's message to Canada and the USA.
As well (9-11) the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre have been misunderstood. God is trying to point out the idolatry of the USA, its trust in money, and its putting of money and material things first on a national level. 9-11 means an emergency - and the emergency God has been trying to point out to Americans is their national idolatry. God is trying to explain to the USA that their fundamental problem as a nation is their national idolatry, and their false God of money can so easily come tumbling down.
15. The Bush administration is asking USA Congress to approve a $ 700 billion dollar bailout of the banks - this is $ 700,000,000,000 dollars folks !!!! The current financial problems in the USA are the worse since the Great Depression of the 1930's.
There are people who are saying that if the bailout doesn't go ahead then the USA economy will go into a depression. The results they say would be catastrophic. So there is enormous pressure on Congress to approve of the $ 700 billion dollar bailout.
The emergency legislation would give the government broad power to buy up devalued assets from troubled financial firms in a bid to unlock the flow of credit and stabilize badly shaken markets in the United States and around the globe.
Now it appears like John McCain is being directly involved in this matter, since he wants to see more accountability and safe guards in the bailout, so as to protect the " little guy. " Yet Bush is pressuring Congress to pass the legislation quickly. So there is enormous pressure being place on McCain.
What a mess. These recent events should have convinced you by now that this message I gave to the people of Canada and the USA way back in December 29/2002 and presented exclusively on my own web site - that indeed this message is from God.
If the people of Canada and the USA don't wake up and take this message seriously - then things will just escalate and God will deal more powerfully with these two nations.
Folks it is time you supported me in the building of the two new nations - two nations within the bosom of one - the new nations North House of Israel and South House of Israel. These two nations will be a blessing to the world - and a blessing to what remains of the United States, because God is the one behind this. And for those of us who know God - well we know that God punishes us in love - to correct and teach. And in the end God will do us good. Believe me this is what would happen. However, you are courting disaster if you continue to ignore the message.
You have to contact me, and you need to support me. Help me get the House of Israel Party here in Canada registered. You need to directly contact me, and offer your support.
16. Things just keep getting worse and worse regarding the USA economy. There are concerns that the big three North American auto makers are on the verge of economic collapse. If they were to go under - this could pull the entire USA economy down with them, since so many people work in the auto sector. There may be a bail out, but the USA Congress wants to see a plan by the big three - before they even contemplate giving them any financial support. There is speculation that the government may just let them go under, so these auto makers will be forced to declare bankruptcy, which will then force them to restructure, and which would free them up from the heavy benefits they are now paying out to workers, and former workers - generous union benefit packages hammered out in more prosperous times. The heavy and overly generous union benefits being paid out to workers and retired workers is killing the big three. However, the union leadership shows not a hint of willingness to renegotiate these extremely lucrative contracts - even though their employers are suffering so much. Many seem to thing it ridiculous that the government should even contemplate bailing out an industry - where the union wage scale is so high - some of these union workers are making around $ 72.00 dollars an hour !!! Something has to give here.
I for one would have never believed back in 2002 that long standing powerful USA companies like GM and Ford would be on the verge of bankruptcy here in December 2008. Amazing isn't it ? Just more stunning proof that this message is from God.
17. The powers that be in the USA have dug a massive debt hole for the American people - a debt hole so humongous and so enormous that it is almost impossible to even understand or comprehend as to how big it is. Go to the United States National Debt Clock and see the details of this mess for yourselves, and how fast it is growing.
The root of this problem is idolatry - where the governments and too many USA citizens don't look to God and His ways to help solve their economic problems, but instead trust in their idols, they trust in their great false god of money. They trust not in God to deliver them from their economic woes, but in a piece of paper.
Too many USA leaders like Obama, look not to God for solutions, but to their idols. So their solution is to trust in money - so they print and borrow money, and they throw and pump multiple billions upon billions of dollars - even into the trillions of dollars into their economy, with the hope this will stimulate more spending, and more consumption by American consumers, and this in turn will create jobs and keep the economy perking along. They drive the country deeper and deeper into debt.
This is not the solution. They are just postponing the problem, and making it worse, and creating a climate for even deeper economic problems in the very near future.
You can't solve a debt crisis by going deeper into debt.
18. April 2, 2010 Obama and the Democrats recently passed the Health Care Bill, which has caused further divisions in the USA. Some are saying it is unconstitutional. There is the Tea Party Movement now. Deep splits are forming within the USA. There are those you feel violence may break out. There have been threats made against public figures. Civil unrest will probably soon come to the USA.
19. The massive oil spill ravaging the U.S. Gulf coast is the biggest environmental disaster the United States has ever faced, top White House energy adviser Carol Browner said.
The BP oil spill has turned stretches of the Gulf of Mexico into a lifeless ocean.
The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the worst environmental disaster the US has faced, a senior official has said. White House energy adviser Carol Browner also said the US was " prepared for the worst scenario " that the leak might not be stopped before August, 2010.
Folks - when are you going to take God and me his servant and this message seriously ????
I wrote on this web site way back in Feb. 2003 to a man I know the following :
I will continue delivering the message. The message is that God is very angry with the increased sins he sees in the USA and Canada. So He will punish. It is too late to avoid punishment. However, those of us who know God realize that God's punishment is good for people. It shows He loves us. And there is a blessing in it. The blessing is that God will build a new nation the House of Israel, which will have God's laws as its foundation.
God doesn't just punish someone, or some nation to see them suffer. He does it to teach a lesson, and He does it out of love.
My worry though is that these people won't take this seriously, and just think this is just some religious nut spouting off, who must be crazy. If that happens then the punishment will just intensify. This is serious business here.
The punishment has indeed intensified. It will continue to intensify until you people wake up and take me and what I am saying in this message seriously. I am God's servant. This is God's message not mine. I am just the messenger. You still just don't seem to get it. I am not happy to see this terrible oil spill in the gulf, and the terrible environmental impact. This does not make me happy. However, this is God punishing the United States for their increased sins. God is not happy - He is very, very upset because He sees too much sin and corruption in Canada and the United States. So He has moved in to punish.
God is long suffering, but when He hits you it hurts. It is time to take this message seriously.
Mailing Address: Ray Wegner P.O. Box 475 Stn. Main Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P-2J1
Regarding Canada:
Canada experiencing a deadly outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The infection involved fever, cough, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing. The World Health Organization announced that the cause of SARS to be a corona virus never seen in humans before.
SARS outbreak began in China and was spread by persons who traveled from Asia to other countries. The large outbreak in Ontario stemmed from a person who had visited Hong Kong and then returned to Toronto. The person then unknowingly spread SARS to doctors and other patients while being treated in hospital for high fever and other symptoms.
On April 27, 2003, there were in Canada over 343 probable or suspect cases of SARS (the majority in Toronto), with 20 deaths.
On Dec.29,2002 this disease was unknown. Then it just pops up from seemingly nowhere.
The outbreak shaved about $1 billion from Toronto's economy in 2003. This was just the impact in Toronto !
2. Madcow Crisis
Who would have ever dreamed back on Dec. 29, 2002 that the cattle industry in Canada would be devastated in just a little over one year ? I certainly would have never suspected such a thing. I can recall how shocked and amazed I was when the news broke back in May of 2003. It was like someone punched me right in the gut. I instantly realized the serious ramifications of the situation.
Canada's cattle crisis started May 20, 2003 when government officials revealed a sick Alberta cow, judged unfit for human consumption, had tested positive for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or Madcow disease.
The costs of madcow was already pegged at 3 billion dollars as of November, 2003. We are now almost into July of 2004, and there is still no resolution of the problem. The USA border is still closed to much of our beef products.
Governments have shelled out about $ 1,400,000,000 in aid to the beef industry. Many farmers and ranchers have seen dramatic drops in income. This is serious business especially in places like Alberta.
When will people realize that it is God who has given us this wealth and resources. God has given these things, and God can take them away.
3. Natural disasters like with hurricane Juan that directly hit Halifax. It was as if some mighty hand just drove the hurricane right over a heavily populated area.
Drought in parts of the prairies has been with us for the past few years.
Forest fires in the summer of 2003 in places like Alberta and British Columbia. The city of Kelowna was virtually under siege due to the forest fires.
The 2003 forest fires in BC were one of the worse in one hundred years. In Kelowna, about 248 homes were destroyed and roughly 30,000 people evacuated by the Okanagan Mountain Park Fire. In Barriere, the mill was caught in the blazes and burnt, which put so many out of work.
Fire fighting costs were over half a billion dollars in BC alone. This was the costliest natural disaster in the British Columbia's history. Over 2,460 forest fires burned their way through B.C. in 2003.
We are now into 2004 and BC is experiencing one of its worse forest fire years on record.
A severe hail storm hit Edmonton in the early part of July 2004. The West Edmonton Mall had to be evacuated, when part of its roof gave way due to the excess water build up. Another act of God. Strange how one of the great icons, or symbols of blatant consumerism and fanatical materialism should be targeted. Do you start getting the message folks ?
4. Bird flu in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.
This has cost the industry about 10 million dollars, and has affected exports. As well there is the scare that this disease has the potential to spread to humans.
Another strange disease plaguing Canada.
Who would have even thought back in Dec.29, 2002 that we would have so many strange things plaguing the country.
5. Massive power failure and subsequent blackout in Ontario.
At 4:11 p.m. Eastern Time on August, 14, 2003, Ontario and much of the north-eastern U.S. were hit by the largest power blackout in North America's history. Electricity to 50 million people was cut off, which brought darkness to New York and all the way to Toronto and even as far as North Bay.
God through His power has built the United States and Canada. These nations are the creation of God. It is His power that sustains them. God is the one who builds up and tears down nations. God has shown us what He is now doing. This power failure shows us that God has now removed His power from the nations of the United States and Canada.
6. Another matter is the political instability in Canada due to the election of a minority government on June 28, 2004, and the election on January 23, 2006.
The election results for the Canadian federal election of June 28, 2004 is a Liberal minority government with the results as follows:
Party Seats Vote Share Voter Turnout
- Liberals 135 36.71 % 22.3 million eligible voters
- Conservatives 99 29.61 % 13.5 million actually voted
- Bloc Quebecois 54 1 2.40 %
- NDP 19 15.69 %
- Independent 1 .5 %
- Green 0 4.3 %
The election results for the Canadian federal election of January 23, 2006 is a Conservative minority government with the results as follows:
Election Results 2006
Party Seats Vote Share Voter Turnout
- Conservatives 124 36.3 % 22,812,683 million eligible voters
- Liberals 103 30.2% 14,815,680million actually voted
- Bloc Quebecois 51 10.5 % 64.9% turnout
- NDP 29 17.5 %
- Independent 1 .05%
- Green 0 4.5%
I55 seats is required for a majority. Canada has now entered into an era of political instability.
The 2004 and 2006 federal election results are a disaster for Canada. Here are the reasons why.
1. The Bloc Quebecois still won powerful support in Quebec. Now there is a renewed interest in Quebec sovereignty. These votes have given new life to the separatists in Quebec.
2. Low voter turnout - only around 60 % of eligible voters even bothered to participate by voting in 2004. The lowest electoral turnout for a federal election in about 100 years. There was only marginal improvement in eligible voter turnout in 2006 - up to 64.9 %.
3. We have a minority government, which almost certainly means political instability. Also it is quite possible we will have another election in a year or so.
4. A socialist agenda will now be carried out, since the Bloc and NDP are socialist parties. The governing Conservatives will need support from the NDP, or from the Bloc, or from both in order to get legislation and bills through parliament, and to keep them from losing any confidence votes. NDP support of the Conservative government comes with a price - the price being supporting a socialist agenda. It is similar with the Bloc.
5. Canadians in general are not really satisfied with any of these parties.
6. Harper's Conservatives have a very, very weak minority, and so will have a hard time getting things done in Parliament.
7. The Federal bureaucracy is in turmoil, and more dysfunctional than ever, due to the rapid turnover of government, and the instability. Under Stephen Harper’s new Conservative administration, most of the government is now “officially in a state of complete paralysis.”
And what more is in store ? People are still ignoring this message. Me you can ignore. I am not important. However, God you cannot ignore.
Isn't it time the people of Canada and the United States started taking this message seriously ?
9. Trade disputes with the United States, like with soft wood lumber.
The soft wood lumber dispute has boiled over recently here in August 2005. A NAFTA dispute resolution panel has ruled that the USA imposition of tariffs on Canadian soft wood lumber imports are illegal. The panel dismissed Washington's claims that Canada's softwood exports are subsidized and have damaged the U.S. lumber industry. However, the USA is basically ignoring the ruling. The Canadian government has demanded that the United States abide by international trade rules regarding Canadian softwood imports. The Canadian imports have been subjected to tariffs, which have been judged to be illegal by the NAFTA disputes resolution panel. The United States continues to ignore the rulings.
Canada's international trade minister has demanded the Americans return the $5 billion in duties they have collected in the softwood lumber dispute.
So there you have it folks. The Americans basically steal around 5 billion bucks from Canadian soft wood lumber industry. And when asked to return the loot - they won't. This is just another example of the colonial status of Canada in relationship to the USA.
There are some sounds of protest coming from Ottawa, and there are some rumours of the beginnings of a trade war with the USA.
This whole matter is very, very bad news for Canada. A very black day for Canada. Another powerful proof that the message I have put up here on the internet regarding God deciding to tear Canada down is true.
And what is next ?
10. What is next is the War in Afghanistan. Who would have ever believed back in the end of December 2002 that Canada in 2006 would be mired in the quagmire of the Afghanistan War. This is an unwinnable war, a quagmire. Yet the Canadian government has extended Canada's military involvement in this conflict to 2011, and who knows how much longer after that.
There have been well over 100 Canadians killed in this adventure since 2002.
Canada's role in Afghanistan will have cost Canada an estimated $7.2 billion by March 2008.
This writer would have never believed it, if someone would have told me in Dec. 2002 that Canada would be at war in Afghanistan. It is causing so much division within Canada, and it doesn't seem to make any much sense, but the Harper government is fully supportive of the war, and prepared to commit more troops. Incredible !!
11. What is next is the soaring Canadian dollar - which according to industry experts spells disaster for the Canadian economy.
Let me quote from an article by Eric Beauchesne - CanWest News Service Published: Friday, November 23, 2007
" The more than 60-per-cent surge in the value of the dollar over the past half decade is a "disaster" for the Canadian economy, the head of one of the industry's hardest hit by the currency's unprecedented appreciation told MPs Thursday.
" And the government must act immediately to address its impact on the manufacturing sector, including the forest industry, Avrim Lazar, president of the Canadian Forest Products Association of Canada told the House of Commons finance committee, which is holding hearings into the impact of the currency on the economy. "
" There should be no illusions, a 64 per cent unchecked rise in our currency relative to the currency of Canada's largest customer is a disaster for our economy, its most vital sectors and the hundreds of thousands of jobs they support," said Lazar whose organization represents an industry that operates in over 320 communities, employs 900,000 workers directly and indirectly, and accounts for three per cent of the total annual economic output.
" Since 2002, nearly 280,000 jobs having been lost in Canada's manufacturing sector, including 32,000 jobs in the forest sector, he noted in his presentation. "
Many smug Canadians assume a high loonie is a good thing, since they can then buy more consumer goods from other countries more cheaply. They forget the disastrous impact it is having on much of the Canadian manufacturing sector - and this is where so many of the good - value added jobs are.
It perhaps should be only fitting that the collective worship of the almighty dollar by too many in Canada should come back and bite these Canadians where it hurts - in the pocket book.
Update August 26, 2008 The Canadian dollar has fallen in value relative to the USA dollar just recently - it is now around 94 cents to one USA dollar, but has taken a recent upturn here in October 2009.
12. Russia - its renewed military aggressiveness is a potential danger to Canada in the North. If too many smug Canadians think it not possible that they be attacked militarily by a foreign power - well just look North and look at the territorial claims being made by the Russians. Russia is becoming more aggressive militarily - and the USA also does not recognize Canada's claim to jurisdiction over the North West Passage. Look folks - God is no weakling. And when God is intent on punishing a nation and tearing down it down because of its increased sins - there is no escape from God's will. War with Russia is certainly a possibility in the future - if circumstances are right.
13. As of December 1, 2008 there is a stunning development within the federal government. It looks like, but is no means certain, that the opposition parties in Ottawa are prepared to defeat the Harper government and cobble together a coalition government - that would take over power from the Conservatives. This would be a truly unprecedented and a stunning development if it happens. Harper may still make some serious concessions to the opposition, but it is unclear whether the opposition is in any mood to stick with control freak Harper any longer. If this should happen - and there is a very real possibility of this - all hell will break loose in Canada. There is no way to tell what might happen next. Such a development would create a tremendous amount of uncertainty, which is very bad for business and investment.
Additionally the current political crisis in Ottawa has been very damaging for Canadian unity, and it has left a sour taste in many Canadians mouths. Many of them are angry, upset, depressed, and disillusioned. A good number of Canadians are saying they are no longer proud to be a Canadian.
14. The Canadian Federal government now says that they will be running a budgetary deficit to the tune of around $ 30 billion dollars in 2009. So here we go again back into the red - amazing.
15. The Harper Wrecking Crew. If God wants to tear down a nation due to its increased sins and replace it with something new and better and different He has many tools at His disposal to do this. One way is for God to give the nation foolish rulers, who then proceed to drive the country into the ground. Another way is for God to turn the wisdom of the countries rulers into foolishness, and cause these rulers to make extremely stupid backward decisions. This is happening right before your eyes today - just look at the mess Harper is creating here in Canada. The Harper wrecking crew.
16. Russia and the USA do not recognize some of Canada's territorial claims in the Arctic. There are also border disputes with other Northern neighbours. Nations are casting covetous, greedy eyes upon the land Canada claims as its territory in the North.
Russia is unstable, and a threat. The USA is in a severe financial fix, and looking for solutions to its energy needs. If you think war in the Arctic is impossible - you are dreaming. It is a very real possibility in the near future, and Canada is extremely vulnerable here. I have been warning for years and years that we must use our Arctic, or lose it. Do not be surprised if you hear of rumblings of warfare coming from Canada's Northern frontier in the near future.

God's Message For Canadian Women July 25, 2009
God's message to Canadian women. This refers to all women in Canada - including immigrant women, and any girl 12 years old and older.
God is the Creator. God is the Judge. Canadian women are on trial. God has judged them.
This judgment naturally does not include every Canadian women, but the vast majority of them - about 90 % of them including girls 12 and over.
In God's eyes most Canadian women are guilty of the following:
- Murder of the unborn through the policy of abortion on demand (of course the majority of women do not have abortions, however, there is very widespread acceptance among the women of Canada for the procedure and to support that option and give pregnant women this option freely - with almost no strings attached.
- Disrespecting their husbands - not respecting the God given authority of the husband in the home.
- Not being a help mate for their husbands.
- Not raising their children properly.
- Spreading of feminist ideology throughout the world.
- The materialism of Canadian society is primarily driven by the women.
- The majority of personal debt in Canada is primarily driven by the women.
- Large number of single mothers - the women involved are mostly responsible for this - in the majority of cases.
- Most Canadian women are responsible for passing along to the new generation too many corrupt customs like the observance of Halloween, Christmas, Easter and most of the customs associated with idolatry.
- Canadian women for the most part are responsible for the low birth rate in Canada - too many of them simply will not have enough
- Most of the Canadian women are responsible for the continual feminization of Canadian society.
- Canadian women in general have failed to teach their children proper moral standards from the Bible.
There are more things they are responsible for, but the twelve points listed are the main things.
Punishment - their own sins have brought punishment upon themselves, their children, their families and upon their country of Canada.
There are many ways and means that God can punish sin. God's punishment is always productive and designed to correct faults and teach lessons. We should not resent it, if we really need it. As long we are willing to learn and grow. It is vital however to take the correction seriously, since God is our Creator and there is no real future without getting on His side, and there is no real future for anyone of us who refuses to give up their rebellious attitude towards God
God Ultimately Holds the Canadian Men Responsible for the Increased Sins of the Women
This is because they have God given authority in the home and family. However, in God's eyes the women are mainly responsible for this situation, and for the increased sins we see in Canadian society. This includes almost all (around 90 % of) women in Canada including immigrants, and girls over twelve.
Too many Canadian women are just simply out of control, and won't even think about listening to their husbands, yet alone respecting the authority of the husband, or of the father as in the case with children. Canadian governments and Canadian society in general doesn't even recognize the God given authority of the husband in the home. Canadian governments support feminist ideology, which is in conspiracy against Fatherhood.
So even if a Canadian man try's legitimately and honestly and in a loving non-abusive way to exercise their God given authority in the home and family - they are almost invariably ignored or not respected by the women, and the women controlled society in general. Such men are also easy targets for the various arms of government - and are quite often subject to severe persecutions. This has been my case in dealing with the governments and authorities. The family court is stacked against men.
So therefore even though God holds the men responsible due to the authority He has given them - the problem in God's eyes lies mostly with the women - because even if a man really try's their very best to exercise their God given rights in the home and family, and does it in ways that are in harmony with Godly principles, and in a loving way - they are almost invariably thwarted and disrespected by the women. There is almost no cooperation from the women. Too many of them will just not accept that sort of thing, and will then try to dominate and control the men.
You can hardly get anywhere with them - when following Godly principles of love and Godly leadership. Many of these Canadian women just despise a man like that. Too many of them would rather go with some male bum and creep instead.
I Ray Wegner am a Canadian male, and I am God's servant, and I have put this message up here exclusively on the internet on July 25, 2009. So I do genuinely feel a sense of responsibility here, and so will be following up on this.
(Image of the earth and moon downloaded from the internet)
God is Angry and Frustrated with Canadian Women
God is the Creator. God is the owner of this earth and everything on it. Mankind never made the earth. We did not create ourselves. God is the one we have to please, because He holds our destiny in His hands.
God is Longsuffering and Patient, But there Are Limits
God is patient and longsuffering and usually just lets things go - hoping for the best, and realizing all human beings are sinners, frail and made from the dust. He realizes how small and frail we really are.
However, God is also the Judge and there are limits to His patience and longsuffering. God has run out of patience with most Canadian women and has and will take measures to deal with this situation.
Message Concerning the War on Iraq (March 19, 2003)
The God of heaven has declared that Saddam Hussein must be punished for his sins. God will corner him, and have him destroyed in this war.
The United States of America is now at the height of its power and influence, but God is not pleased with them, because the sins of the USA are increased. So the Lord has caused America to get involved in this war, which is the start of the process of tearing down the USA and ripping it apart by God.
The United States will have no problems conquering Iraq, since they have overwhelming military superiority. God will use the USA to kill Saddam, and a good number of the other members of his regime as a punishment for their sins.
God will now cause the enemies of the USA to begin attaching the USA all around the world, which will begin to diminish and weaken America.
Canada will be forced to join the USA in this war, because God is planning on punishing Canada very severely as well. This is because Canada has followed in the sinful footsteps of their bigger brother the United States.
This message delivered by Ray Wegner on (March 18, 2003).
War on Iraq Updated January 2007
On Sunday, November 5, 2006, the High Tribunal in Iraq sentenced the deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to death by hanging for ordering the murder of 148 Shiite residents of Dujail in 1982. On Saturday, December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein was put to death by hanging.
I wrote very clearly on this web site on March 19, 2003, " The God of heaven has declared that Saddam Hussein must be punished for his sins. God will corner him, and have him destroyed in this war. " This has happened, and the prophecy God gave me to deliver concerning Saddam Hussein has come true.
Saddam Hussein being hung - picture downloaded from the internet.

God's Response To Corruption
The God of heaven is the creator of the earth and of every human being on earth. The earth and the people belong to God, since He is their Maker.
The earth does not belong to man - it belongs to God.
However, God is ignored throughout the world. What He tells us in His book the Bible, is for the most part ignored and actually often ridiculed.
God is not ignorant about what is going on in this world. God is completely fed up with all the corruption He sees on the earth. This corruption will not go unpunished. It is a very serious matter to have God angry with you, and God is very angry with most of the people on earth, because most of them are corrupt.
God created the earth for His own pleasure, but it gives God no pleasure to constantly see all the sin and evil most of mankind is so deeply involved in. Most of mankind's sins are increased in these evil last days, and the earth is filled with violence.
God has a plan for this evil world that rejects and ignores Him. He plans on destroying His wicked enemies, and in fact has started already.
To protect yourself I would strongly suggest you start obeying God and doing those things that are pleasing to Him.
Theme regarding corruption continued next .........
How God Plans on Dealing With Corruption ....September 18,2005
God is now the enemy of this corrupt world and is moving against it, because almost all of mankind have corrupted their ways and there are very few in 2005, who in God's judgment are not corrupt.
Great natural disasters will continue to strike the earth, like the recent tsunami in Asia and hurricane Katrina in the Southern USA.
God will punish many nations by bringing warfare upon them. Disease epidemics and famines will strike the earth. And there are many other ways God can use to tear down and destroy His corrupt enemies here on earth.
God has given the people here on earth so much, but almost all have rejected God's laws and ways. The world is full of violence, injustice, oppression and corruption as of 2005. Look at all the money governments spend on armaments and wars, and the very little in comparison they spend on treating disease, and helping to provide some simple basics to the billions in poverty, like clean water, immunization programs, housing and so on. Most of this world's people live under dictatorships. The list of injustices is seemingly endless. God is never pleased with injustice and corruption.
God has provided the people a home here on earth, and given us the sun, rain and food, and all the resources of the earth to use. God gives the people life itself, and every breath of air we breathe. God gives good things and enables us to enjoy life. God allows people to have so many new tools and all the various gadgets of today.God has made His book the Bible available to so very many all around the world today.
God has sent down The Word to this earth in the form of a man about 2,000 years ago - Jesus Christ - so we could have forgiveness of sins through Christ. The Word became flesh and dwelt among the people in the form of a man - Jesus Christ, and Christ even sacrificed Himself by dying for our sins.
However, God (the Creator and Owner of the earth and everything on it - including every person and that includes you and me) is basically ignored throughout the earth. God's servants are persecuted, ridiculed, despised and not taken seriously, and for the most part just plain ignored by most people.
The people want good things from God, but almost all don't want to follow God's ways - that are shown to them in the Bible.
To protect yourself from God's wrath I would strongly suggest you do those things that are pleasing to Him.
God created the earth and humanity for His own pleasure, but God is not getting any enjoyment from all the corruption here on earth that He must look at constantly.
God gives life and takes life away. God builds up and God tears down. God has it within His power to destroy His wicked enemies.

The Temple in Jerusalem
A model of the temple is described in Ezekiel chapters 40 - 48. The prophet was given visions of this temple, and even given specific measurements. When rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem - the pattern shown us in the book of Ezekiel is the one that must be followed.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem - Image courtesy of

Dome of the Rock in the Background - Image courtesy of

The site of construction must be the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Muslim Dome of The Rock, sits on the Temple Mount, but there is reason to believe the Dome of The Rock and Temple could fit within the same area. It may also be useful to look into perhaps expanding the existing area, by simply moving one of the walls over to make more room. All of the various options should be explored, but the Temple must be built on the Temple Mount.
An organization has already been formed years ago by the Jewish people in Israel. You can go to their web site The Temple Institute. They already have the vessels needed for Third Temple built and ready to go. Go to their site and see the amazing progress they are making. It is my understanding that since they are blocked politically in starting the actual construction of the Third Temple - they have begun to prefabricate the building blocks. The job is quietly getting done already.
If the new nation the House of Israel was ever formed then we will actively support the Jews in Palestine in building this Third Temple, unless of course they are able to proceed and build it on their own. There are currently serious political roadblocks that prevent the project from going ahead.
Whether Jews, Muslims, Palestinians and other affected parties can work out a compromise solution that allows construction to begin is debatable.
God will see to it that the Temple will be rebuilt, and it is entirely up to God, which human instruments He will use to work through. The physical structure will not just appear miraculously - there won't be a huge poof or flash of lightning and crash of thunder from the sky - and suddenly there the Temple will be. God will build it, but God will choose the human instruments He will work through to get the job done, or get the job finished - since so much of the preliminary work is already done.
We should be glad that it will be built, and we should be happy with whatever human instruments, or human organizations, or human governments God honours with this very important work. So if the Jews are able to go ahead with it on their own and get the political roadblocks removed on their own, and then finish the job on their own - wonderful.
In my judgment there is reason to believe that the Temple can share the Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock. Some Jews, and probably some Muslims may be very, very opposed to this idea. However, God is the Creator of all mankind and of Jews and Muslims alike. And the Temple will be God's building - it will not belong to any particular nation, religion or people - it will belong to the God who has revealed Himself, and His plans for mankind in the Bible - this is the Creator of all mankind.
The Dome of the Rock is located in what Muslims call the Noble Sanctuary and what Jews call the Temple Mount. In the center part of the dome Muslims believe is the place from which Mohammed was brought at night and from there ascended to God. Muslims believe Mohammed was led by Gabriel the arch angel, and was consulted by Moses and given prayers before returning to earth. The Dome of the Rock is one of the holy places for Muslims. For Jews they believe this place is where Abraham almost sacrificed his son Isaac at God's command and where Jacob slept with his head on a rock and dreamt he saw the ladder to heaven with angels ascending and descending, and it is also believed to be the location where the innermost chamber of the Temple stood. There are other traditions associated with the site.
There is a strong association between the Temple Mount, and the Dome of the Rock with Abraham - and Jews and Arabs are descended from Abraham. The Jews, and the other 11 tribes of Israel, are descendants of Abraham through Sarah and Isaac. The Arabs are descended from Abraham through his son Ishmael, who was the child of Hagar.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
My educated guess as to the timing of the return of Christ and His setting up of the Kingdom of God here on earth is sometime between 2040 to 2070. For more information about this go to Signs of Christ's Return.
So there isn't that much time left. This is going to be perhaps the biggest topic of discussion in the coming years and decades. It will be in the news. It doesn't take that long for 40 years to pass. Time flies you know.
So it is important to begin preparing for the inevitable. Therefore we need to begin serious planning to get the Temple rebuilt, because Bible prophecy shows us that it will be done before Christ returns.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If these matters regarding the Message to Canada, and the United States are just from my imagination and do not come to pass - then I will admit that I was wrong. However, at this time in 2012 there is a lot of proof that these messages are indeed from God.
I thought seriously and a lot about this matter before putting the message up on my web site. This was because I was opening myself up to a lot of criticism, and even to accusations I am some nut case, who claims to have heard the voice of God. No I have not heard the voice of God - I do not hear voices in my head.
The message was put up exclusively on my web site by myself on December 29, 2002.
Like I said - I will admit I was wrong if what is predicted in the message does not come to pass within a reasonable length of time.