Matthew 24:14   " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come. "



Provided for you is just a partial list of the false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church:
1. False doctrine of the Trinity.

2. False doctrine - Immortality of the soul.

3. False doctrine - The Doctrine of Sacred Tradition.

4. False doctrine - Doctrine of the Magisterium and infallibility of the Pope and Catholic Church in regards to doctrine.

5. False doctrine - Only the Catholic Church can understand and interpret scripture infallibly.

6. False doctrine - Adding the Apocryphal books to the Bible, which God did not make part of the Bible.

7. False doctrine - The claim that the Catholic Church is the only true church.

8. False doctrine - That Mary is in heaven.

9. False doctrine - Praying to Mary.

10. False doctrine - Doctrine of Immaculate Conception.

11. False doctrine - Mary had no other children except Christ.

12. False doctrine - Mary is the Mother of the Church.

13. False doctrine - Mary is forever virgin.

14. False doctrine - Mary never sinned.

15. False doctrine - Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit.

16. False doctrine - Belief in purgatory.

17. False teaching that we go to heaven or hell when we die.

18. False doctrine - Indulgences

19.False doctrine - Reciting or chanting the same prayer over and over.

20.False doctrine - requiring catholic priests and nuns to wear a certain kind of clothes.

21. Making long prayers in public.

22. False doctrine - Baptizing children, and sprinkling rather than complete emergence in water during baptism.

23. False doctrine - Penance or confession - confessing sins to a Catholic Priest, who then takes the place of Jesus as the Mediator between God and man. False doctrine that a catholic priest here on earth has the authority to forgive sins.

24. False doctrine that Christ was never married.

25. False doctrine - Observing Sunday as the weekly Sabbath, instead of on the seventh day - Saturday.

26. False doctrine - The Catholic Church as an ecclesiastical organization getting involved in politics, and where Vatican City have diplomatic relations with governments throughout the earth.

27. Improper name - the true church is called the Church of God.

28. False doctrine - Observance of various Catholic Holy Days, which are not Biblical in origins, like Easter, Christmas, Lent, All Saints Day, etc. Failure to observe the true annual Holy Days of God explained to us in Leviticus 23.

29. False doctrine - That the chief sin is pride.

30. False doctrine - Requiring priests and nuns to be celibate.

31.False doctrine - Calling the Catholic Priest Father.

32. False doctrine - Worshipping images and idols. Bowing before images - like images of Christ. This violates the second of the Ten Commandments.

33. False doctrine - That the Pope is the head of the church, and a successor of Peter, and the false doctrine that Christ made Peter the head of the church.

34. False doctrine that Peter was the first Pope.

35. Falsehood that the Pope is the spiritual head of all Christians. The simple truth is that Jesus Christ is the spiritual head of all Christians. Who gave the Catholic Pope the right to replace Christ as the head of the true Church of God ?

36. False doctrine where the Pope is called the Holy Father - since that name only belongs to God the Father. It is a sin to call the Pope the Holy Father, since only God is our Holy Father.

37. False doctrine that when the Pope speaks ex cathedra then he cannot make mistakes.

38. False doctrine that the Pope has power and authority to create saints.

39. False doctrine that the Catholic mass or communion has replaced the yearly Passover ceremony.

40. False doctrine that a Catholic Priest, or Catholic Bishop has the power to forgive sins. This goes against the very clear Biblical teaching that Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant, and Christ is our High Priest in heaven. Catholic Priests have absolutely no authority to replace Christ as our Priest.

There are quite a few more false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, but I do not have the time to list them all for you. An attempt will be made over time to list as many false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church as possible, but I cannot promise when and how thorough this will be. Forty false teaching should be plenty for you to digest for now.