Matthew 24:14   " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come. "

Spiritual Matters 

For accuracy Bible translations recommended are Authorized King James Version or New King James Version. Subjects under specific headings (A,B,C etc) are related.

A) Return of Jesus Christ to Earth to Set Up the Kingdom of God

Signs of Christ's Return  the events preceding Christ's return. 

Jesus will prepare the way for His Return + some Bible Prophecies of Christ's Coming Kingdom.

Temple in Jerusalem restored. 

Throne of David

 B) God's True Church, Church Doctrine, the Gospel

Jesus Dying on the Cross is God's master plan for salvation. List of some major accomplishments of Christ on the Cross, through His death and resurrection.  Review of the film Passion of the Christ. 


The Church  The nature of the true church. The spiritual health of God's true Church in these last days - Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea Eras.

Fundamental Church of God Doctrines  The fundamentals of the faith.


Our God is A Jealous God  - who will not play second fiddle to anything, or anyone.


List of Laws and Commandments from the Bible. A work in progress.


Online Book the Gospel of the Kingdom This book is published online now in its rough form, and the various details will be added as time permits. You can also reach the same material at a different site, which has been created at   http://www.rswegner.com/


House of Israel Church of God - this material has been taken off until there is more certainty and clarity regarding God's will in this matter. For those who are concerned for the state of God's true Church in these corrupt last days - please pray earnestly for the church, and ask God to give us clear direction regarding His will for the church?


Not Starting Up a New Church or Religion  Some people have or may perceive or claim this site advocates the starting up of a new church or religion - this is certainly not correct.


Persecuted - God's true servants have been, are, and will be persecuted by the world.



C) God's Plan, Time Table and Schedule Here on Earth
Jesus Christ Dying on the Cross - is God's master plan for salvation. The scriptures point to Christ. God's weekly and annual Sabbaths point to and are prophetic of Jesus Christ.


God's Holy Days - show us God's plan and schedule, and are prophetic of and point to Jesus Christ. This explains very much, so please take this seriously and read the article.
D) Satan's Kingdom and the Lies and Idolatry of Satan's World

Satan has his Kingdom here on earth and this is God's will, and fits in with God's purpose. The Annual Holydays point to and show us God's plan and schedule. Satan's Kingdom is going to come to an end when Jesus Christ returns to earth to set up the Kingdom of God. God has things under control. The Devil is very angry in these last days, because he knows his time is running out (Revelation 12:9-12).


Satan and the Fallen Angels The devil and his demon cohorts exposed. Satan is the father of lies and a murderer. Satan is a deceiver, and his main way of deceiving mankind is to lead them into idolatry, because idolatry cuts you off from God. The Devil is the god of this evil world, and the unseen spiritual ruler of the children of disobedience.

The Origins of Politics  Satan the Devil is the author of politics. Politics is a power struggle and war through other means. Why are most humans deeply involved in politics?

The Games People Play  


False gods Exposed  Major false gods of Canada and the United States.


Idols and False Gods of the Nations - a list of all the roughly 200 nations on earth. So far about ¼ of these have had their major false gods, or idols listed and identified.

False Doctrines,  Lies ,  Falsehoods  and Myths Exposed 


The Beast - the identity of the prophesied Beast of Revelation.



E) The Root of Mankind's Problems Are Spiritual in Nature  Almost all of mankind's problems are spiritual based, and rooted in the fact that human beings are born with a basically evil nature.


F) Mystery Babylon the Great - The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth (Rev.17:5)


Mystery Babylon and her Harlot Daughters identified. On the same page you can read about the major false doctrines of Mystery Babylon and Her Harlot Daughters. A list of extremely serious false teachings, which confuse and can lead you away from salvation.


Debunking the myth that Canada is a Christian nation. In this writer's opinion there never has been a real physical Christian nation ever. True Christians are those who have the Spirit of God living in them - therefore the true body of Christ is a spiritual organism.


Heresy - the real source of heresy and the real heretics.

1 John 2:19 " They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. "


G) Islam and the false doctrines and lies about Jesus Christ in the Koran - like the lie that Christ never died on the cross. False doctrine that Islam has replaced Judaism and Christianity, and is God's final revelation to mankind. False teachings that the Holy Spirit refers to Mohammed. Lie and myth that the Muslim  "Allah " is the same God mentioned in the Bible in the Old Testament. Islam and Mohammed deny the central theme of the Bible, which is Christ dying for our sins.




H) The War Against the Family and Fatherhood by the Enemies of God

The Devil overcame Adam by first overcoming Eve, and then used the woman as a tool to overcome the man spiritually (Genesis 3:1-24) (1 Timothy 2:13-14). Satan murdered Adam and Eve (John 8:44). He has not changed and still hates the family, and the godly family and Fatherhood. Satan is still intent on destroying mankind spiritually.


Satan is a sexless being who cannot have a family and who cannot reproduce. Satan hates sex and the Godly family, because it is a type or example of what God is doing. God is creating a family for Himself, and is begetting spiritual children through Christ and the true Church, and Satan absolutely hates the idea of God having children, since these children of God will be enemies of the devil forever.


Feminist Ideology  God's viewpoint on the subject from His book the Bible. (which is God's written word). The essence of feminism is that it is in conspiracy against Fatherhood.


The truth about Homosexuality - Satan and the Fallen Angels are sexless beings and cannot reproduce, but they were the first homosexuals.

I) Powerful Evidence of the Accuracy of the Bible. Go to - Ark of the Covenant  From the same site link to some very interesting videos on:  Sodom and Gomorrah,   Mt. Sinai, and Crossing of the Red Sea by the Children of Israel, and also on Noah's Ark.  Amazing proof that the Bible is accurate.


This doesn't mean this here writer agrees with everything on the site, and with all the things on the videos, but have a look and judge for yourself. The video on the discovered ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah is fascinating and frightening at the same time. The late Ron Wyatt did most of the ground work here. Powerful proofs indeed that the Bible is true and accurate. God worked through and used Ron Wyatt as His servant to unearth amazing proofs of the historical accuracy of the Bible. 


The world is awash in lies, false doctrines and myths. It is time to begin exposing them. Subjects listed are in alphabetical order.


For accuracy, the Bible translations recommended are the Authorized King James Version or the New King James Version. It is essential you use an accurate translation if you don't know Hebrew or Greek, since many false doctrines have crept into various newer translations of the Bible. 


Absolutes - the lie there are no absolutes, and everything is relative and just depends on your point of view. Myth there is no objective truth, but it is all subjective.


All Religions Lead To God, but each just takes a different route - a false doctrine.


Believe - falsehood that "all" you need do to be saved is believe - that there isn't anything more one need do regarding ones salvation, except believe.


Bible - falsehood that the Bible is just a collection of myths and fables, and not the inspired word of God. Yet there are tons and tons of proofs the Bible is true - especially concerning fulfilled prophecy. A challenge to doubters, scoffers and skeptics - find a single prophecy in the Bible that has failed to come to pass. Naturally this doesn't refer to prophecies still for the future. There are loads of prophecies for these end times and later. Many are being fulfilled as we speak.


Blood transfusions - false teachings by some groups that we shouldn't rely on Physicians for healing, and the refusal of blood transfusions. 


Book of Mormon - myth it is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. The foundation of the church was completed almost 2,000 years, by Christ and the Apostles. You can only build on that foundation.


Capitalism - false teaching that God is a capitalist and supports the present capitalist system, and the present USA dominated capitalist world order.

Catholic Church - falsehood that the Catholic church is the only true church, and there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church (there are a good number of other Churches who also claim to be the only true Church - this is not unique to Catholicism).


Catholic Church - Who Heads the Catholic Church?  Is it Christ or the Pope?




Christ - lie that Christ never existed.


Christ was Born on Christmas Day, December 25th. A huge misconception. The actual date of Christ's birth unknown.


Christ - the assumption He was never married. He was married, and will be again in the future. The God of the Old Testament was The Word - who came to earth as the human being Jesus Christ. The Old Covenant was a marriage contract between God and Israel (Jeremiah 3:14). Due to their unfaithfulness God divorced Israel. Christ will marry the New Testamant Church after the resurrection, and at the Wedding Supper. 


Christianity - false assumption that all professing Christianity is part of the true Church, when there is a tremendous amount of false Christianity. False doctrine that all people are called to salvation at this time. The truth is that God is not yet inviting all humans to salvation, but is only inviting the small first fruits. Please go to: Only A Few Now Being Called To Salvation - The Rest Are Blinded.


Communion - false doctrine of the weekly observance of the Lord's supper and commemoration of Christ's sacrifice. In reality this is celebrated yearly on the Passover, which is always on Abib the 14th in the spring, here in the Northern Hemisphere.


Confession - false teaching you confess your sins to a priest here on earth, when really Christ is our Living High Priest and Mediator, and we confess our sins to God the Father.


Devil - myth that there is no such thing as a literal Devil.


Dinosaurs - myth that man and dinosaurs co-existed.


Easter - myth that it has replaced the Passover. What do rabbits and eggs have to do with Christ dying for our sins?

Evolution Debunked - major, glaring, gaping flaws in evolutionary theory. Evolution - the myth that God created life through evolution.


Fall of man (from perfection), when it was really Lucifer who fell.


  - myth that you can worship God (the true God as explained in the Bible) and idols at the same time. Myth that Christ doesn't mind if you share your worship of Him with idols, false gods and images.


Freedom of religion - another myth is that we have freedom of religion in Canada, and also the myth that Canada is a Christian society or nation.


Gigantic myth - this may be the greatest. False assumption that human beings don't need a system of orientation, or frame of reference. That humans can survive sanely without building their lives around something or someone. In truth human beings were created by God with a deep need to build their lives around the true God as explained in the Bible. They were created to have a relationship with their Creator and become like Him. They were created in the image of God, with the hope and potential to someday be created in the spiritual image of God. However, if people reject God and His rule over their lives, or through ignorance are not aware of the true God - the human need for a system of orientation and a frame of reference still exists. So instead of putting the true God first, they substitute something, or someone else. This becomes their false god, or personal idolatry. It is similar with nations. If the nation isn't built and orientated around the true God, and God's laws as explained in the Bible are not the foundation for its own system and laws then it too is involved in idolatry (Go to Idols and False Gods of the Nations). Human beings were created to have a relationship with God their Creator. This is why of all of God's creatures here on earth, only mankind has such a thing as religion


God doesn't really exist - is a lie. Lies and myths that the Bible is just a collection of fables. There any powerful proofs that the God described in the Bible exists literally. 


God is Limited - false doctrine that God is constrained and limited to work through only one particular group, and this group is God's special chosen one's, and God can only be found by going through them. When will puny men stop trying to limit and control the unlimited and All Powerful God?


God the Father - false doctrine that God the Father was the God of the Old Testament.


Gospel - the falsehood that the Gospel has been preached to the whole world as a witness already. The truth is that the Two Witnesses will preach the gospel to the whole world, just prior to Christ's return.


Governments - myth that the governments of this world belong to God, when really at this present time (July 18, 2015) all the various governments of the nations are built and based on and around idolatry, and so are part of Satan's world. Please don't jump to hasty conclusions though. This needs to be explained carefully.


  - false teaching that the greatest sin is pride, when really the greatest sin is failure to keep the greatest commandment, and the greatest command is  "To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and minds."

Heaven is the reward of the saved - and the myths that if good we go to heaven and if bad we will suffer forever in hell. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death - not eternal life in torment in hell fire, if people should reject the salvation offered by Christ, or happen to lose out on salvation.


Hierarchy - myth that God has restricted Himself to work through only a set human hierarchy in the church, and this human hierarchy has the right to set doctrines, and authority from God to demand obedience from the congregations. Myth that the church hierarchy has the right to change church and biblical doctrines. Lie that parishioners must follow the hierarchy first and foremost, rather than depending on their own reasoning powers, and critical thinking capacities. Falsehood that some church hierarchy has an exclusive hot line to God, and God is obligated to only reveal Himself through them.
Hierarchy - myth that a human being is head of the true church (Ephesians 5:23-24).
Hierarchy - myth that Christ can't lead and teach the true church, except through a human hierarchy. Falsehood that God's true church in run and organized by a human hierarchy.

Historical distortions, lies and false assumptions - a partial list showing the major ones which have caused so much confusion and misunderstandings.


Holy Days  - myth that human ministers and priests have the authority to add and make up Holy Days. The truth is they have never been given such authority. God's Holy Days are listed in the 23rd chapter of the book of Leviticus in your Bible. These are the Sabbaths of the Lord and do not belong to any particular human race or religion - they belong to God.


Homosexuality - falsehood that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality.


Human nature - a secular myth that human nature is the product of society, and so human nature can be changed by changing the society. The lie that human nature is essentially good, rather than basically evil.


Images - false teaching that it's okay to have idols, images and pictures of what Christ supposedly looked like, in the church.


Imminence of Christ's Return - myth Christ may return anytime - perhaps tonight.

Immortality of the Soul - myth that we have an immortal soul at birth.


Indulgences - unbiblical teachings regarding indulgences, purgatory and doing penance


Infallibility - false doctrine that the Catholic Church is infallible in matters of doctrine, and the Pope cannot make mistakes when he speaks " ex cathedra." Actually God's church is not perfect in character or doctrine, because it consists of fallible human beings.

Infant Baptism - false teaching regarding infant baptism. The Bible does not teach the baptism of infants. This practice is unscriptural. It is practiced by the Roman Catholic Church and some other Churches like the Orthodox Presbyterians


Islam false doctrines and lies about Jesus Christ in the Koran - like the lie that Christ never died on the cross. False doctrine that Islam has replaced Judaism and Christianity, and is God's final revelation to mankind. False teachings that the Holy Spirit refers to Mohammed. Lie that the Muslim " Allah  " is the same God mentioned in the Old Testament. Islam and Mohammed deny the central theme of the Bible, which is Jesus Christ dying for our sins.


Jehovah's Witnesses teaching that most of the saved will live forever with fleshly human bodies in the Kingdom - on an earthly paradise with human bodies that will never get old, or die. Also some other false doctrines of the Jehovah's Witnesses, which include that Christ is the creation of God; false doctrine which forbids its members from voting; false doctrine that the gospel of the kingdom has been preached to the whole world already by the Jehovah's Witnesses; false doctrine that the Kingdom of God has been set up already here on earth by and through the Jehovah's Witnesses.


Jews represent all of Israel - a myth. False doctrine that the Jews are God's special chosen people - when in reality God at this time does not have any special chosen people (except for the Church, which is God's temple on earth and a spiritual organization consisting of those who have the Holy Spirit living in them). Myth that the Jews represent all of the tribes of Israel - when actually they only represent the tribe of Judah - which is just one of the 12 tribes of Israel.


Law - lie and myth that Christ did away with all the law, and nailed it to the cross. Falsehood that the Apostle Paul is the great liberator and taught the law was done away. 


Laws and Commandments from the Bible.


Love - myth that the only command we have now is to love each other. This is a subject requiring much clarification, because people can easily take things out of context.


Mary - various false doctrines and myths concerning Mary the Mother of Jesus esposed; like Mary the Mother of Jesus never sinned and has been resurrected already and is living in heaven (The truth is that only Christ the first fruits is risen so far); myths like Mary never had any more children besides Jesus, and is forever virgin.


Miracles - fable that the miracles mentioned and documented in the Bible never happened.


New Years - falsehood that January 1st is the beginning of the New Year. This also includes the incorrect teachings that New Year begins on the first of Tishri. God's new year begins on the first of Abib, which is always in the spring in the Northern Hemisphere, just prior to Passover. Passover is on the 14th of Abib.


Old Testament - false teaching that the Old Testament is no longer relevant and done away.


Rapture of the church to heaven during the great tribulation - a falsehood.


Religion and politics - false teaching that it is wrong and even sinful to get involved in government, if you are a Christian. This needs further clarification, so please do not jump to hasty conclusions. It depends on the situation, and on the political party one supports, and their policies.The Church as an ecclesiastical organization is on dangerous ground, if it officially try's to work through and control governments in order to force its religion on others. But where does it imply in scripture that it is wrong to vote?


Resurrection - lie that Christ never rose from the dead, and His disciples stole His body. The lie that Christ is dead, and so can't possibly return from heaven.


Sabbath - why most churches reject the true Sabbath? The true Sabbath is from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Myth that Christ died on Friday and was resurrected on Sunday morning. Lie that the Sabbath was nailed to the cross.

Sex - myth that the Devil is the inventor of sex, and sex is evil. The truth is that Satan is a sexless being (this includes all the Holy Angels and Fallen Angels), who cannot have a family. God invented sex and He can reproduce and have children (spiritual children through Jesus Christ).


Science will solve everything  Myth that science will solve all of mankind's perplexing problems, like death, disease and aging. Even the fable that mankind will conquer space. Lies that science explains or will eventually explain everything. Myth that the concept of a God and Devil is just an invention of ignorant people to explain what happens in the world. Myth that now with the increase in knowledge the concept of God and the Devil are not needed, because science now explains the mysteries of the universe and human existence.


Sexual relations - myth evil spirits were involved in sexual relations with women during Noah's time.


Shepherd - myth that there is more than one Shepherd in the true church. The reality is that Jesus Christ is the one and only true Shepherd of the genuine church. The sheep - the true followers of Christ - only follow Christ. They won't follow any other Shepherd (John 10:1-16 note verses 4 and 5)


Temple - false doctrine the physical Temple need not be built before Christ returns


Ten Commandments - false teaching that the Ten Commandments and the weekly Sabbath were only given to the Jews.
Tradition has equal weight with the scriptures specifically Catholic tradition - a myth. Actually the church foundation has already been laid, and you can only build on that foundation.
Trinity false doctrine - which claims the Holy Spirit is one of three Gods in the Godhead.


Women as Property - false teachings Christian women are property of their husbands.


Women Ministers and Priests - false doctrine that it is scriptural to allow women preachers, priests and ministers in the church.

There are more false teachings to be listed - have patience. And by the way - patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit - so there. 



This web site written, built, edited and owned by the Wegner Family. All photos on this site, unless clearly stated otherwise, are originals - taken, edited and are owned by the author and his family. This church group is not affiliated with any other church or religion other than the genuine spirit led Church of God, as described in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3, and specifically is part of the Philadelphia phase of God's true church in these last days (Revelation 3:7-12). 
