Matthew 24:14   " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come. "

Church of God

Church of God - Not the Church of Men


Contents of This Page
I Am Not Starting My Own Church or Religion


Victim of Persecution


There have been some people who perhaps have or may claim or perceive that I Ray Wegner am starting, or inventing my own religion or church. So I must deal with this false perception, because it is not the reality. It is the Church of God - not the Church of Men.


We are supposed to be living in a country here in Canada that respects people's freedom of religion and freedom of expression and speech.


It says in the Canadian Constitution:

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms and Fundamental Freedoms (from the Canadian Constitution) " The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms  guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association. "


These are my freedoms that are supposed to be guaranteed to me as a Canadian citizen, yet there are too many power crazed individuals who would use their power and influence to deny me my constitutional rights and freedoms, and slander me to boot.



I Am Not Starting Up My Own Church or Religion


I serve and worship God the Father and Jesus Christ, who is also part of the Godhead. I have no authority from my God to start up any new religion, or any new church. The true new testament church was founded on the Day of Pentecost almost two thousand years ago - when the Holy Spirit was send down from God and entered the 120 believers assembled. The true church has existed throughout the ages and certainly exists today as well. Jesus Christ is the head of the true church. Jesus Christ builds the true church, which is His body. The true new testament Church of God is a spiritual organism consisting of those who have the Holy Spirit living in them.


I do not have any authority from God to create any new doctrines and am only allowed by my God to teach church doctrines that are biblically based, and which are scriptural. Have no authority from God the Father and Jesus Christ to create new church doctrine, or invent new teachings, or to usurp the authority of Christ. Jesus is the head of the true church - not me or the Pope. The fundamental doctrines of the Church of God listed on my web site are all biblically based. They are not my creations, but are from the teachings in the Bible.


I never wrote the Bible. The Bible is the inspired word of God.


2 Timothy 3:16 " All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: "


I did not invent the weekly Sabbath, or the annual Sabbaths. I never invented the Ten Commandments. I did not create the Laws in the Old and New Testaments.


It is my duty to try my best to follow God's laws myself, and to teach faithfully what the Bible teaches. The true new testament church is build upon the foundation of the prophets and apostles with Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone. I am duty bound as a servant of God to insure that any church group I am responsible for as a teacher - be built upon the foundation of the prophets and apostles - with Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone.


Ephesians 2:19-23 " Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. "


The foundation of the true Church of God is the Bible ! The inspired of God teachings and writings of the prophets like Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and in the New Testament the inspired writings of the apostles like Matthew, Paul, Peter and John and with Jesus Christ the Son of God being the chief corner stone.


I can only build on that foundation and have no authority to get and teach church doctrine from anywhere except the Bible - both Old and New Testaments.


How anyone could be so misinformed, ignorant, or perhaps just plain malicious to suggest I am creating my own Church or my own religion - is almost too much for me to understand.


I have issued a challenge to all my readers of my spiritual writings. It is as follows:


Readers are encouraged to point out biblical errors in all of my material and writings on spiritual matters. If you can find scriptural errors in my teachings that cannot be backed up by hard, concrete biblical teachings and doctrine - then I will gladly accept the constructive criticism and make the changes needed. So please go ahead and point out my mistakes, but your criticism must not be based on mere opinion, but must be able to be proved from the Bible.


I have been a serious student of the Bible since age 14. I take my role as Bible teacher very, very seriously. And for me - I would never be a Bible teacher, if I did not personally know God. You have to know your subject first before you can expect to teach others.


Victim of Persecutions


I Ray Wegner have decided to publicly defend myself and my record. This is due to persecutions I have had to face. These persecutions are ongoing, and have not just come upon me recently.


You judge a person on their record - on what they have done, or not done in the past. You do not judge a person on what they might do, or on what they could potentially do, or on what we may feel or perceive they will do. You judge a person on concrete matters they have or have not done in the past. That is only fair and honest.



My Record


1. Have never been in trouble with the law. There is no criminal record.

2. Have never been jailed or imprisoned.
3. Have almost a perfect driving record, except for a few minor speeding tickets, and once for not wearing a seat belt (the seat belt had jammed a while before and I had to cut it to get out - and had not fixed it yet when the police stopped me). There has been only one minor traffic accident where it was my fault - where the insurance company had to pay out damages. There is the letter and spirit of the law. Driving safely is an art, and you need to flow with the traffic. Driving too slow can be a safety hazard. As well driving with a lack of confidence, and with a fearful attitude and being over cautious can result in accidents.

4. Have never once smoked marijuana or taken any illegal drugs.

5. Have never been charged of anything by the police, except as pointed out those few minor speeding tickets and not wearing a seat belt once.
6. The police have never been called to my home due to any disturbance within my home or anything like that.
7. Have almost a perfect record as far as being a law abiding citizen is concerned during the past forty years or so.I do not pretend to be perfect though, and I have done some silly, rebellious things when a kid, but generally speaking my record is an excellent one, especially during the past forty years and especially after my baptism at age 30. My record during the past 40 years is almost a perfect one.
8. There is no previous, recent or present record of family violence within my own immediate family (myself, my wife and two children).
9. I teach people that we should all respect the laws and the authorities and cooperate with the police.
10. I am a responsible gun owner, and my 30-30 and .22 rifles are legally registered.
11. My record as a honest businessman is almost perfect. If you can find someone, or anyone who has been cheated by myself in business, or in a business deal - then I'll eat my boots. People who have done business with me know that they can trust me to be honest with them.

Have never cheated anyone in a business deal.

12. I do not promote anything illegal on my web sites - my home page. 
13. Have never hired the services of a prostitute, and have never consorted with prostitutes.
14. Have never hunted wildlife illegally.
15. Have carefully obeyed the noise by-laws, except for a few extremely rare circumstances, like when at times the muffler on my car broke and there was no time to get it fixed right away. Have never been charged with breaking the noise by-laws, and have never received a warning from police in this regards.
16. Have never been caught riding the LRT without a valid ticket or bus pass.
17. Have been very diligent in respecting my neighbours property and teach my family likewise. Naturally there have been times when I have unknowingly trespassed on private property, and there is of course the letter and the spirit of the law.
18. Have always paid my bills.
19. Have never had any credit card problems, and have never had to declare personal bankruptcy. I have never run a business which went bankrupt.

20. I have never been an alcoholic, and my drinking has never caused me or anyone any problems. Never once. No accidents caused by drinking - no violence caused by drinking - no nothing. But I have enjoyed drinking beer with the guys, and have downed my fair share of alcohol.  

I had stopped drinking alcohol for about 10 years or so - except when we had some wine on the Passover. However, just recently I began drinking alcohol again primarily as a way to reduce stress. As of November 22, 2012 - I restrict myself to a maximum of 1 bottle of organic red wine, and two cans of organic beer per week. This restriction will last until November 11, 2013 - and I am very confident I will follow it. I am trying to follow a strict health regiment, but it is very hard. You can read more about it at  http://www.raydw.net/   

21. Due to circumstances I was forced to stay at home and raise my two children when they were small. So I understand all about raising children. I was the one who got up at night when the kids were small.This was a very positive and happy experience for me - raising kids, and it was probably the best job I ever had. The only problem was the financial end of it.

Yet there are some women out there who have seriously problems relating to and dealing productively with men, who would deliberately disregard and ignore all the years I spent raising my small children as a full time parent. They love to criticize and condemn, but forget about all the positive work I have done with children.

22. There are those who would maliciously claim I am an intolerant person, but that is absolute rubbish. My web site is done in the spirit of freedom and respect for democracy. I respect other people's view points and opinions - they do not have to agree with me. I am the champion of liberty within the rule of law.My record shows very powerfully and clearly that I respect other people's opinions and viewpoints. We can agree to disagree. However, I do not go along with lies, prejudice, discrimination and hatred, and am not afraid to expose these matters.

23. My record shows I am respectful of my families right to free moral agency. I do not force my religious views on anyone. I believe in freedom and am not a control freak.

Naturally when the children are small parents do have the right to educate their own flesh and blood into their own traditions, culture and religion. This is a right we here in Canada grant to all parents, be they Muslims, Catholics, Hutterites, Baptists, Buddhists, and whatever cultural or ethnic background they may belong to. We respect native tradition, and would not object with aboriginal parents teaching their kids the ways of their tribe, and the customs and traditions of the elders.


It is the same with me. However, in my religion, which is biblically based, my God has given people free moral agency. So once the children are older - their God given right of free moral agency needs to be respected, and I would never, ever demand they follow the same religion that I do. If they want to that is fine, but they are perfectly within their rights to reject the religion I follow, and to follow whatever religion, or belief system they want. There is absolutely no political pressure placed on them by me to follow the same religion I follow.


If you love someone - you set them free. If they choose freely on their own will to belong to the same church I do, and follow the same religion I do then that is fine - it is their choice.


I realize the kind of freedom, and free choice I offer to my kids is a foreign concept to my control freak enemies, who would try and control every part of my life and the lives of the public, even our thoughts. How sad and twisted these people are. How insecure, and unsure of themselves, and their belief system. These people have very little confidence in their belief system, if they feel compelled to force their twisted logic, views and ways on others.


The problem with so many of my enemies is that they are indeed control freaks, and they are trying to use their power to control me , and shut me up. My suggestion to them. Grow Up !


24. I have been accused of being dishonest by my enemies.  Have I ever lied to you ? Can you or anyone find anyone I have deliberately lied to in the past 30 to 40 years ?

My God demands I be honest. If I am not then I am in trouble with Him. And He is a whole lot bigger, and stronger than me. So I do not want God angry with me, and believe me, He would be very upset if I started being a liar.


And God understands that we all make honest mistakes. After all, if we were all perfect and without sin, then Christ would not have had to die for our sins. If we were perfect, we would not need a Savior. However, we are not perfect, and we do need a Savior. I am not perfect, but I try hard to follow God, and one thing God expects from me is honesty.


In my judgment a lot of people hate me because I am a Christian and am trying hard to follow God - and because I am honest.


These matters are in my opinion just symptomatic of the corruption in Canada and here in Alberta. This corruption has resulted in law abiding citizens too often being treated more poorly than the actual criminals. Where Christians who strive to follow God's ways as explained in the Bible, are too often in my opinion treated worse than criminals, and in my judgment are actually being accused of being criminal.










Mailing Address: Ray Wegner P.O. Box 475 Stn. Main Calgary, Alberta T2P-2J1


Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms and Fundamental Freedoms (from the Canadian Constitution) " The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association. "


Readers are encouraged to point out biblical errors in all of my material and writings on spiritual matters. If you can find scriptural errors in my teachings - teachings that cannot be backed up by hard, concrete biblical principles and doctrine - then I will gladly accept the constructive criticism and make the changes needed. So please go ahead and point out any mistakes, but your criticism must not be based on mere opinion, but must be able to be proved from the Bible.



This web site build, designed and owned by Ray Wegner