Matthew 24:14   " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come. "

Church of God
Current Events - and Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy and Return of Christ
by Ray Wegner

Much of the Bible consists of prophecy and most Bible Prophecies have yet to be fulfilled as of 2015. This page will look into current events in the light of Bible Prophecy, and tie this in with the prophesied return of Jesus Christ and the setting up of the Kingdom of God.

My educated guess is that the return of Jesus Christ is greatly delayed. Why ?  I feel there has been serious problems in God's true church in these corrupt Last Days, and Jesus is short of the numbers He needs to set up His world government. From scripture is seems like He needs 144,000 saints (but this is by no means certain) for the positions He needs filling in His Kingdom. 

So my guess is that we are looking at His return sometime between 2040 to 2070 andf maybe into the early 1980's. We are now in 2013, so this is approximately 27 to 57 years opr more from now. My personal take is that we are looking at the later date, rather than the early time frame. This is by no means certain, but the Signs of the Times seem to point in that direction.

Here are some Signs of the Times that appear to me to indicate a much, much delayed return of Christ, due to the mess God's true Church has been in for the last few decades, and the need to rebuild it. 

We know that the prophesied Beast will arise in Central Europe, and will consist of a 10 nation grouping. This will be the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. Recent events in Europe show serious cracks showing, and there is a subsequent disunity. European unity has been set back decades recently primarily because of economic problems. Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece have been going through real tough times economically, and even Britain is talking about perhaps leaving the European Union. Cracks are showing for sure. This seems to be to me another proof that Christ's Return is greatly delayed.

This prophesied Beast Power will be ridden or controlled by Mystery Babylon. This will the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, so will be a combination of Church and State. Pope Benedict recently stepped down, due to health matters. He has been replaced by Pope Francis. This new Pope is 74 years old. The prophesied Great False Prophet will almost certainly come from within the ranks of Mystery Babylon, and new Pope Francis does not even come close to anything like that. He is not charismatic, and he is not capable of working to forge a new Holy Roman Empire in Central Europe. He is from Argentina, not even from Europe. 

There is nothing happening in current events showing even a remote sign of the coming man who will head this European Holy Roman Empire - the man called the Beast, who will claim to be God, and who will sit in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem claiming to be God. There is no one on the scene now in Central Europe even coming close to such a person. 

The Temple needs to rebuilt in Jerusalem, but there are political roadblocks preventing the Jewish Rabbis from going ahead. The Jewish run Temple Institute has already gotten the vessels needed for the Third Temple made, and is now to my knowledge prefabricating the building blocks needed for construction. However, there needs to be a break in the political stalemate regarding the Temple Mount and who runs and controls it. Right now the Israeli Government supports the Islamic Waqf, and the Waqf absolutely does not support the construction of a Temple by the Jews on the Temple Mount.  
Here is a quote from Wikipedia

" An Islamic Waqf has managed the Temple Mount continuously since the Muslim reconquest of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187. On June 7, 1967, soon after Israel had taken control of the area during the Six-Day War, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol assured that "no harm whatsoever shall come to the places sacred to all religions". Together with the extension of Israeli jurisdiction and administration over east Jerusalem, the Knesset passed the Preservation of the Holy Places Law, ensuring protection of the Holy Places against desecration, as well as freedom of access thereto. Israel agreed to leave administration of the site in the hands of the Waqf. " 

This Islamic control over the Temple Mount is supported by the Israeli Government, so it looks to me that there needs to be a change in the Israeli Government - where they would elect a government committed to changing the rules governing the Temple Mount, and which would allow for construction of the Third Temple to begin. How this matter will play itself out is anyone's guess. My own take is that someone has to come along who has the authority and the will, and who can successfully get all the parties working together - both Jewish and Muslim to allow construction. Someone, who can bridge the gap between the Muslim Arab world, and the fundamentalist Jewish Rabbis, and the likes of the people running the Temple Institute. There is no one like that on the public scene at this time. So the matter is stalled. 
Another interesting development is Egypt. There has been some changes recently, and political turmoil. Some people in the media are calling it a revolution, but I am not sure. There are some interesting prophecies regarding Egypt in the Last Days. There may be a connection here with Israel and the Temple. Israel has always had close connections with Egypt. 

Joseph was a great man in Egypt - very influential and second only in power to Pharaoh. There seems to be good evidence to suggest that the Biblical Joseph and the famous ancient Egyptian figure Imhotep - were the same men. The Children of Israel lived for 430 years in Egypt and were virtual Egyptians culturally, but not genetically. There were no doubt some mixed marriages between Israelis and Egyptians. You can't live right beside another people for 430 years without doing some breeding with them.  Moses grew up in Pharaohs household. He was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh. 

Jesus was taken to Egypt by His parents Joseph and Mary to escape King Herod's deadly plot against the Christ Child. Egypt has always played an important role in the affairs of Israel, and God's servants in Israel. So I feel the connection is still there, and God has great plans for Egypt just as He has great plans for Israel. King Solomon married an Egyptian Princess. 

There are some very interesting and intriguing prophecies concerning Egypt in the Last Days. I will be following up with this later.

............to be continued.